参考资料: K8S-网络隔离参考 OpenContrail is an open source network virtualization platform for the cloud. – Kube-O-Contrail – get your hands dirty with Kubernetes and OpenContrail OpenContrail is an open source network virtualization platform for the cloud. Ope…
1. 创建Nginx Pod过程中报如下错误: #kubectlcreate -f nginx-pod.yaml Error from server: error when creating "nginx-pod.yaml": Pod "nginx" is forbidden: no API token found for service account default/default, retry after the token is automatically…
主机信息 主机 IP OS k8s-master Ubuntu Server 16.04 k8s-node1 Ubuntu Server 16.04 k8s-node2 Ubuntu Server 16.04 设置IP 设置ip,dns,路由 使用阿里云软件源 修改软件源 安装SSH Server apt-get install openssh-serv…