摘自:stackoverflow.com/questions/24232799/why-choose-struct-over-class Structure instances are always passed by value, and class instances are always passed by reference. This means that they are suited to different kinds of tasks. As you consider the…
原文:Java, C#, Swift语法对比速查表 Java 8 C# 6 Swift 变量 类型 变量名; 类型 变量名; var 变量名 : 类型; 变量(类型推断) N/A var 变量名=初值; var 变量名=初值; 常量 final 类型 常量名=初值; readonly 类型 常量名=初值; let 常量名 : 类型=初值; 基本类型 int short long byte double float boolean char int short long byte double…
Swift语法初见 http://c.biancheng.net/cpp/html/2424.html 类型的声明: let implicitInteger = 70 let implicitDouble = 70.0 let explicitDouble: Double = 70 注:如果初始值没有提供足够的信息(或者没有初始值),那你需要在变量后面声明类型,用冒号分割. 数值转换: let label = "The width is" let width = 94 let widt…