Uva 11728 - Alternate Task 题目链接 题意:给定一个因子和.求出相应是哪个数字 思路:数字不可能大于因子和,对于每一个数字去算出因子和,然后记录下来就可以 代码: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> const int N = 1005; int n, ans[N]; void init() { memset(ans, -1, sizeof(ans)); for (int i = 1; i <= 1000;…
Little Hasan loves to play number games with his friends. One day they were playing a game whereone of them will speak out a positive number and the others have to tell the sum of its factors. Thefirst one to say it correctly wins. After a while they…
题意:给定一个 n,求一个最大正整数 N 使得 N 的所有正因数和等于 n. 析:对于任何数一个 n,它的所有正因子都是大于等于本身的,因为 n 本身就是自己的正因数,这样的就可以直接暴力了,答案肯定是在 1 ~ n 范围内. 代码如下: #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <cstdlib&…
Frm: IEEE Std 1364™-2001, IEEE Standard Verilog® Hardware Description Language 10. Tasks and functions Tasks and functions provide the ability to execute common procedures from several different places in a description. They also provide a means of b…
A Different Task The (Three peg) Tower of Hanoi problem is a popular one in computer science. Briefly the problem is to transfer all the disks from peg-A to peg-C using peg-B as intermediate one in such a way that at no stage a larger disk is above a…