Don't afraid point】的更多相关文章

QUESTION: Why did Jimmy Wales invest in Quora? Is he afraid that it will take over Wikipedia? Answer: I am not afraid that Quora will overtake or take over Wikipedia. And it's important to understand, as I have stressed many times, my investment in Q…
Are you afraid of me? (你们怕我吗?) Don't be.(不用怕) I am a programmer who just won't die.(我是不会死的程序员) 自从跟踪到32位CPU的逻辑地址等同于线性地址,不仅在Windows中,还有在Linux(Android)中,你所看到的.所想到的一切,都不是事实 —— 认识到了这一个层次,编程序的所有神秘感消失了. 以前,程序运行中崩溃是天大的事 —— 如今,在这神秘感消失之后,只要跟踪堆栈地址即可迎刃而解,因为逻辑地址等…
int p; int *p; int p[3]; int *p[3];分析方式:首先从P开始分析,先与[]结合因为其优先级比*高,所以p是一个数组,然后再与*结合,说明数组里的元素是指针类型,然后再与int结合,说明指针所指向的内容的类型是整形的,所以P是一个由返回整形数据的指针所组成的数组. int (*p)[3];分析:1:p是一个指针,指针所指向的内容是一个数组,数组里的元素是整形,P是一个指向由整形数据组成的数组的指针. int **p:P是一个指针,然后指针所指向的元素是一个指针,说明…
It’s coming up on a year since we published our last memory review; possibly the longest hiatus this section of the site has ever seen. To be honest, the reason we’ve refrained from posting much of anything is because things haven’t changed all that…
Freud! Yes, according to Freud's theory, most human activities are driven by libido (or aim-inhibited love). It seems natural to us that, even in the movie Transcendence, to prove a computer program has self-consciousness, is the first benchmark or i…
链接:传送门 题意:判断 m 组数,如果某一组中出现负数就判断这一组中是否存在与之相反的数,如果每一组中都满足要求则输出 "NO" 反之输出 "YES" 思路:对于任意的一组数,if v[i] < 0 则 vector.find( v.begin() , v.end() , -v[i] )查一下在这组数中是否出现过相反数,如果 find != v.end() 说明出现过,返回 true 否则返回一个 false /***********************…
[题目链接]: [题意] -水题..题目太吓人 [题解] 只要你在一组里面找到两个数字,它们的绝对值相同,但是正负性相反,那么就可以确定,这一组 里面最少不会全是间谍. 知道这个之后只要贪心一下就好; 遇到一个组里面有互为相反数的,这个组就ok; 如果有一个组没有,就返回false; [完整代码] #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ls…
Python NLTK 获取文本语料和词汇资源 作者:白宁超 2016年11月7日13:15:24 摘要:NLTK是由宾夕法尼亚大学计算机和信息科学使用python语言实现的一种自然语言工具包,其收集的大量公开数据集.模型上提供了全面.易用的接口,涵盖了分词.词性标注(Part-Of-Speech tag, POS-tag).命名实体识别(Named Entity Recognition, NER).句法分析(Syntactic Parse)等各项 NLP 领域的功能.本文主要介绍NLTK(Na…
Help Hanzo 题意:求a~b间素数个数(1 ≤ a ≤ b < 231, b - a ≤ 100000).     (全题在文末) 题解: a~b枚举必定TLE,普通打表MLE,真是头疼.. b - a ≤ 100000 是关键. 类似素数筛的方法: 1.初始化vis[]=0 ; 2.素数的倍数vis[]=1; 3.  b较小时,素数筛解决   b很大时,素数筛的vis[]会MLE,此时用vis2[i-a]保存vis[i]就不会MLE 了.. #include<iostream>…
Text Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fisherman are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything - n…
把之前阅读资料的时候记下的东西,整理了一下. Adding special-purpose processor support to the Erlang VM   P23 简单介绍了Erlang Compiler和Beam文件格式; The Erlang Compiler in short 章节提到了 Core Erlang 这个之前有提到过: [Erlang 0120] Know a little Core Erlang…
我在Erlang Resources 豆瓣小站上发起了一个征集活动 [链接] ,"[征集] 我们读过的Erlang论文",希望大家来参加.发起这样一个活动的目的是因为Erlang相关的出版物很少,很多时候都是从学术论文中寻找答案,而发现合适的论文是第一步,这个活动就是为了解决这个问题. 在一个极小的知识点可能都会有一篇精彩的论文为你条分缕析,抽丝剥茧,甚至可以拼凑起来一个完整的Erlang知识系统,我们开始吧... <面向软件错误构建可靠的分布式系统> Making rel…
Dec. 31, 2015 Stayed up to last minute of 2015, 12:00am, watching a few of videos about top 10 rules for success, and then, think about putting together a blog to share, for a successful year 2016. Top 10 rules for success 1. Jessica Alba2. Oprah Win…
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About SSL (but Were Afraid to Ask) Or perhaps more accurately, "practical things I've learned about SSL". This post (and the companion Spring Boot application) will demonstrate using SSL certificates to validat…
我 2006 年开始工作,至今已经 10 年.10 年是个里程碑,我开始回顾自己曾经犯过的错误,以及我希望从同行那里得到什么类型的忠告.一切都在快速改变,10 年了,我不能确定这些秘诀是否还有用. 不管您是新人还是老手,您都会发现我的话是有用的.我期待听到您的观点,所以请不吝赐教给我回信. 坚持使用一种平台,框架或者语言 在过去 10 年间我所犯的最大的错误是:每次换工作时我都会换一个软件平台. 开始我使用 Enterprise Java Development,然后是嵌入 C 软件,然后,对于…
void PyDict_Clear(PyObject *op) { dictobject *mp; dictentry *ep, *table; int table_is_malloced; Py_ssize_t fill; dictentry small_copy[PyDict_MINSIZE]; #ifdef Py_DEBUG Py_ssize_t i, n; #endif if (!PyDict_Check(op)) return; mp = (dictobject *)op; #ifde…
前言 React官方推荐用Browserify或者Webpack 来开发React组件. Webpack 是什么?是德国开发者 Tobias Koppers 开发的模块加载器.Instagram 工程师认为这个方案很棒, 似乎还把作者招过去了.在 Webpack 当中, 所有的资源都被当作是模块, js, css, 图片等等..Webpack 都有对应的模块 loader,如下文中将用到jsx-loader来加载带react语法的js文件 Express 是目前最流行的 Node.js Web…
Octave是一个旨在提供与Matlab语法兼容的开放源代码科学计算及数值分析的工具,是Matlab商业软件的一个强有力的竞争产品. 参考:[ML:Octave Installation] General Installation files for all platforms are available at the GNU Octave Repository on SourceForge. The Gnu Octave Wiki has installation instructions f…
原文链接: Don’t Wait Any Longer – Start Your Own Business and Stop Building Someone Else’s Empire The Autonomy and freedom you’ll gain by working for yourself is some…
[ 文件操作] 1 对文件操作流程 打开文件,得到文件句柄并赋值给一个变量 通过句柄对文件进行操作 关闭文件 现有文件如下: 昨夜寒蛩不住鸣. 惊回千里梦,已三更. 起来独自绕阶行. 人悄悄,帘外月胧明. 白首为功名,旧山松竹老,阻归程. 欲将心事付瑶琴. 知音少,弦断有谁听. f = open('小重山') #打开文件获取文件内容 f.close() #关闭文件 2 文件打开模式 ========= ================================…
True love stories never have endings. 真正的爱情故事永远没有结局. It seems I have been customed to the single life. I am afraid that they'll break my heart, or I will break their hearts and I will never be able to look at myself the same way. Why? And how? A rive…
You Asked My Prod environments is like this. Three Node RAC, Active Data guard enabled. There is a partitioned table, month based range partition, every month data will be in one partition. Each partition size is 180G to 200G. I have another table fo…
SCU 4437  Carries Time Limit:0MS     Memory Limit:0KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu  Practice  Description Carries frog has nn integers a1,a2,…,ana1,a2,…,an, and she wants to add them pairwise. Unfortunately, frog is somehow afraid of carries (进位).…
conscious[英][ˈkɒnʃəs][美][ˈkɑnʃəs]consensus[英][kənˈsensəs][美][kənˈsɛnsəs] scious sensuswaterflood; deluge; flood; flowage; Niagara; spill[英][spɪl][美][spɪl]spell[英][spel][美][spɛl] city urban emperemperortemper irritant Some had begun to build adjacent…
Avoid The Lakes Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 8173   Accepted: 4270 Description Farmer John's farm was flooded in the most recent storm, a fact only aggravated by the information that his cows are deathly afraid of wate…
I read this book in the weekend, and decided to put the book on my nightstand. It's a short and funny book, clear insight and good stories, strongly recommend entry even senior engineers to read it. Introduction This book tells you how to find out wh…
Daniil's blog Machine Learning and Computer Vision artisan. About/ Blog/ Image Segmentation with Tensorflow using CNNs and Conditional Random Fields Tensorflow and TF-Slim | Dec 18, 2016 A post showing how to perform Image Segmentation with a recentl…
Andrej Karpathy blog About Hacker's guide to Neural Networks A Survival Guide to a PhD Sep 7, 2016 This guide is patterned after my "Doing well in your courses", a post I wrote a long time ago on some of the tips/tricks I've developed during my…
Why? I prefer using ethernet to Wifi to access internet. But, I'm afraid, sometimes I have to use Wifi. So, I'm going to configure my CentOS7 to be able to access internet through both Wifi and Ethernet. Preparation The ethernet interface/card name i…
1.引言 由于项目需要,需要学习OGC相关地图标准,包括WMS.WFS.GML.SLD等,只是国内相关书籍大家都懂的,特向Google大师请教,得一秘籍<Open Web Mapping>——来自于世界名校美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学的在线地图学课程GEOE585. 2.课程概览 课程最终目标:使用开发源码软件和OGC标准规范进行Web地图应用程序的设计.开发和实施应用. 多说无益,看下图自然明了.几乎涵盖了OGC所有地图常用标准和规范. 3.课程目录 Lesson 0: Orientation L…