gentoo virtual couldnt download】的更多相关文章

今天在更新系统的时候,提示 virtualbox-bin 从原始地址下载不了,经过一番摸索,通过下面的方式即可正常安装. 通过 上面这个网址找到你要下载的 virtualbox 版本, 选择后缀 的来下载.下载可以使用 aria2c 来下载,下载完成之后,把 run 文件放入 /usr/portage/distfiles 文件夹即可. 再次安装,提示下载 pack 失败,从上…
Howto Shrink a Thin Provisioned Virtual Disk (VMDK) Posted by fgrehl on November 24, 2014Leave a comment (18)Go to comments   Thin provisioned disks are a great feature to save capacity as you virtual machines filesystem will never use the full capac…
Introduction Virtualization packages are means for users to run various operating systems without "bare-metal" hardware - basically, you can run more than one operating system on a single computer without dual-booting or similar approaches. Virt…
Visual Studio (VS) can be very hard to install. If you are lucky, one whole day may be enough to install VS. However, in some cases, some students spent weeks to install VS. In all cases, installing VS can be (very) painful. Fortunately, Microsoft pr…
转自: About Episode - Duration: 16 minutes, Published: Jul 08, 2014 In this episode, I wanted to look at the performance characteristics between linear and striped logical volum…
Sometimes we need a standalone envrionment to test Hadoop and Spark, mapr is a choice to do that in our development machine. Before that, it's better to download the virtual box or vmware player as the host of mapr control system. Below give you the…
If you are planing to develop Java Apps on your Mac, you may have to set $JAVA_HOME environment variable. Install the latest Java Virtual Machine Go to How to install JDK on Mac OS X to install a new Java Virtual Machine. Download the latest Java JDK… [root@localhost ~]# git clone git:// 正克隆到 'vmtouch'... remote: Counting objects: , done. remote: Total (delta ), reused (delta ), pack 接收对象中: ), 285.79 KiB | 24.00 KiB/s, 完成. 处理 delta 中: ), 完…
加载完光驱后 1进行ping命令查看网络是否通畅 2设置硬盘的标识为GPT(主要用于64位且启动模式为UEFI,还有一个是MBR,主要用于32位且启动模式为bois) parted -a optimal /dev/sda (parted)print     命令查看是否有除了sda其他分区 如果有则删除 (parted)rm 2(2为分区的编号,有其他的也需要一并删除) (parted)mklabel gpt  此操作会清除掉所有分区上的所有数据 如果是MBR 则使用命令mklabel msdo…
<Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录> 本文介绍的是由世纪互联运维的Windows Azure China. 相比于Global Azure (,国内由世纪互联运维的Windows Azure在PowerShell仅有细微的差别. Azure Global的IP Rang信息,可以参考: 国内由…