D - Counting Test Gym - 101532D 字符串】的更多相关文章

Yousef has a string s that is used to build a magical string w by repeating the string s infinitely many times. For example, if s = aabbb , then w = aabbbaabbbaabbbaabbb.... Mohammad always claims that his memory is strong, and that his ability to co…
题意:给你一个1e4长的字符串S,有1e5个询问,每个询问形如 l r c ,其中l,r为左右边界,c为所询问的字符.注意,l,r,可以大于串S的长度,这种情况下认为S自身重复无数次(S+S+S···).l,r范围1e9. 题解:预处理前缀和(多处理一下),先打表dp[256][10005],dp['a'][x]代表1~x中'a'出现几次,有dp[s[i-1]][i]=dp[s[i-1]][i-1].然后输出区间时直接输出sum(r)-sum(l),其中sum(x)为计算1~x区间某字符串出现的…
Description standard input/output Islam is usually in a hurry. He often types his passwords incorrectly. He hates retyping his password several times whenever he tries to login, especially that his passwords are usually very long. He believes that we…
样例测试: update property set memorial_no = btrim(memorial_no, ' ') where memorial_no like ' %' 或:update property set memorial_no = trim(both ' ' from memorial_no) where memorial_no like ' %' btrim()方法为删除字符串两边的某类字符,可以同时指定多个,在上面为' ',意为空格 trim()方法可以实现所有btr…
1.数据修复最先考虑通过db内做修复,实在不行,在考虑外部应用程序通过jdbc修复. 比如一个场景:profile_image_url与enlarge_image_url都是微博用户信息返回的字段. 前者是http://tp2.sinaimg.cn/1928431341/50/5621497131/1,后者正常情况是http: //tp2.sinaimg.cn/1928431341/180/5621497131/1, 此时如果修复后者的数据,只需将/50/替换成/180/,只需通过postgre…
目录 8.1 字符串是一个序列(A string is a sequence) 8.2 len 8.3 用一个 for 循环进行遍历(Traversal with a for loop) 8.4 字符串切片(String slices) 8.5 字符串是不可变的(Strings are immutable) 8.6 搜索(Searching) 8.7 循环和计数(Looping and counting) 8.8 字符串方法(String methods) 8.9 in 运算符(The in o…
tip 1 在sql中我们可以设置一个列自增长identity(1,1),但在postgresql中却没有这个关键字定义.但postgresql也有实现相关功能,那就是只需要将该列数据类型标记为serial,就可以实现sql中的自增长功能 smallserial 2 bytes small autoincrementing integer 1 to 32767 serial 4 bytes autoincrementing integer 1 to 2147483647 bigserial 8…
『Ⅱ』-----随笔 莫逸风CSDN文章目录 The Programmer's Oath程序员的誓言-- 今天突发奇想写了一个小工具,CSDN文章目录生成器 vue去掉一些烦人的校验规则 输入npm install 报错node-sass@4.13- idea操作maven时控制台中文显示乱码/maven项目启- jquery validate 如何校验多个相同name IDEA debug启动的时候需要等半个小时甚至更长时间 再也不用担心了,微软官方系统(win10为例)U盘安装教程 mysq…
Weird Cryptography Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u  Gym 100935B Description standard input/output Khaled was sitting in the garden under an apple tree, suddenly! , well... you should guess what happened, a…