Introduction Wikipedia: "An audit trail (also called audit log) is a security-relevant chronological record, set of records, and/or destination and source of records that provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected a…
Server Side(服务端) ASP.NET Boilerplate uses Castle Windsor's logging facility. It can work with different logging libraries: Log4Net, NLog, Serilog... etc. Castle provides a common interface for all logger libraries. So, you're independent from specifi…
Introduction It's a common to map a similar object to another object. It's also tedious and repeating since generally both objects (classes) may have similar/same properties mapped to each other. Think on a typical application servicemethod below: 将相…
Introduction to validation Inputs of an application should be validated first. This input can be sent by user or another application. In a web application, validation is usually implemented twice: in client and in the server. Client-side validation i…
Introduction Layering of an application's codebase is a widely accepted technique to help reduce complexity and improve code reusability. To achieve layered architecture, ASP.NET Boilerplate follows the principles of Domain Driven Design. 分层应用程序的代码是一…
Introduction ASP.NET Boilerplate is integrated to ASP.NET MVC Controllers via Abp.Web.Mvc nuget package. You can create regular MVC Controllers as you always do. Dependency Injection properly works for regular MVC Controllers. But you should derive y…
What Is Multi Tenancy? "Software Multitenancy refers to a software architecture in which a single instance of a software runs on a server and serves multiple tenants. A tenant is a group of users who share a common access with specific privileges to…
Introduction "Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack that occurs when a malicious web site, email, blog, instant message, or program causes a user’s web browser to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site for which the user is curr…
ASP.NET Boilerplate provides an infrastructure and a model to configure it and modules on startup. ASP.NET提供了一个基础和样板模型配置和模块启动. Configuring ASP.NET Boilerplate Configuring ASP.NET Boilerplate is made on PreInitialize event of your module. Example conf…
Application Services are used to expose domain logic to the presentation layer. An Application Service is called from presentation layer with a DTO (Data Transfer Object) as parameter, uses domain objects to perform some specific business logic and r…
Introduction Quartz is a is a full-featured, open source job scheduling system that can be used from smallest apps to large scale enterprise systems. Abp.Quartz package simply integrates Quartz to ASP.NET Boilerplate. Quartz是一个功能齐全的开源作业调度系统,可以从最小的应用程…
Introduction Notifications are used to inform users on specific events in the system. ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a pub/sub based real time notification infrastructure. 通知用于通知用户系统中的特定事件.ASP.NET的模板提供了一个基于实时通知基建Pub/Sub. Sending Models(发送模式) There are…
ASP.NET Boilerplate can work with any O/RM framework. It has built-in integration with NHibernate. This document will explain how to use NHibernate with ASP.NET Boilerplate. It's assumed that you're already familar with NHibernate in a basic level. A…
If you are using both of ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API in your application, you need to add Abp.Owinnuget package to your project. Installation Add Abp.Owinnuget package to your host project (generally, to the Web project). Install-Package Abp.Owin…
While it's not generally needed, you may want to step into ABP's source code while you debugging your project. All official ASP.NET Boilerplate nuget packages are Sourcelink enabled. That means you can easily debug Abp.* nuget packages within your pr…
Introduction ASP.NET Boilerplate provides an abstraction for caching. It internally uses this cache abstraction. While default implementation uses MemoryCache, it can be implemented and changable for any other caching provider.Abp.RedisCache package…
Introduction Every application need to store some settings and use these settings in somewhere in the application. ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a strong infrastructure to store/retrieve application, tenant and user level settings usable both in serve…
Introduction Specification pattern is a particular software design pattern, whereby business rules can be recombined by chaining the business rules together using boolean logic (Wikipedia). In pratical, it's mostly used to define reusable filters for…
Data Transfer Objects are used to transfer data between Application Layer and Presentation Layer. 数据传输对象用于在应用层和表示层之间传输数据. Presentation Layer calls to an Application Service method with a Data Transfer Object (DTO), then application service uses domai…
Introduction ASP.NET Boilerplate is integrated to MVC Views via Abp.Web.Mvc nuget package. You can create regular MVC Views as you always do. AbpWebViewPage Base Class ASP.NET Boilerplate also provides AbpWebViewPage, which defines some useful proper…
ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a set of objects and functions that are used to make javascript development easy and standards-based. ASP.NET的模板提供了一套,是用来使JavaScript开发容易.基于标准的.功能的对象. Here is a list of APIs in ASP.NET Boilerplate. Click headers to see det…
Introduction Dapper is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for .NET. Abp.Dapper package simply integrates Dapper to ASP.NET Boilerplate. It works as secondary ORM provider with EF 6.x, EF Core or NHibernate. Installation Before you start, you need to i…
Introduction From it's web site: "....with a Swagger-enabled API, you get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability." 从它的网站:“使API,你得到的交互式文档,客户端SDK的生成和发现.” ASP.NET Core Install Nuget Package Install Swashbuckle.AspNetCo…
Introduction ASP.NET Boilerplate provides background jobs and workers those are used to execute some tasks in background threads in an application. ASP.NET样板提供背景工作和工人是用来执行一些任务在后台线程中的一个应用. Background Jobs Background jobs are used to queue some tasks t…
外卖公司如何匹配骑手和订单?淘宝如何进行商品推荐?或者读者兴趣匹配?还有海量数据存储搜索.实时日志分析.应用程序监控等场景,Elasticsearch或许可以提供一些思路,作为业界最具影响力的海量搜索与分析产品,搜索软件公司 Elastic 上市了!首日市值翻倍!Elastic 从小工具「逆袭」成为上市公司,依靠其技术影响者众多企业,并促进整个行业发展的模式变革,向众多渴望创业的程序员证明了一个道理:技术创业是可行的,并且有着良好的前景.你要不要试试呢? 准备: Idea2019.03/Grad…
本系列目录 CRL快速开发框架系列教程一(Code First数据表不需再关心) CRL快速开发框架系列教程二(基于Lambda表达式查询) CRL快速开发框架系列教程三(更新数据) CRL快速开发框架系列教程四(删除数据) CRL快速开发框架系列教程五(使用缓存) CRL快速开发框架系列教程六(分布式缓存解决方案) CRL快速开发框架系列教程七(使用事务) CRL快速开发框架系列教程八(使用CRL.Package) CRL快速开发框架系列教程九(导入/导出数据) CRL快速开发框架系列教程十(…
老周的ABP框架系列教程 -- 一.框架理论初步学习   1. ABP框架的来源与作用简介 1.1  简介 1.1.1       ABP框架全称为"ASP.NET Boilerplate Project",中文翻译为" ASP.NET样板项目",诞生的主要目的就是为了让.NET程序员"秒变"架构师,将.NET企业级项目的主流开发技术.最先进的架构整合起来,让.NET工程师能够更快的开发出更好的项目. 1.1.2       ABP官方网站:ht…
教程所示图片使用的是 github 仓库图片,网速过慢的朋友请移步<webpack4 系列教程(十二):处理第三方 JavaScript 库>原文地址.或者来我的小站看更多内容 0. 课程介绍和资料 >>>本节课源码 >>>所有课程源码 本节课的代码目录如下: 本节课的package.json内容如下: { "dependencies": { "jquery": "^3.3.1"…
2019 年起如何开始学习 ABP 框架系列文章-开篇有益 [[TOC]] 本系列文章推荐阅读地址为:52ABP 开发文档 本文的目的是为了让刚刚接触 ABP 框架的同学或者准备接触 ABP 框架的同学,能够理解和搞明白 ABP 框架到底是怎么回事,毕竟它发展了好几年的时间.社区中有很多人做 了 ABP 的资料和文章包括我自己也建立了 52ABP,社区中还有 ABPplus 等等的内…
OSGi 系列(十二)之 Http Service 1. 原始的 HttpService (1) 新建 web-osgi 工程,目录结构如下: (2) HomeServlet package com.github.binarylei.servlet; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;…