P3078 [USACO13MAR]扑克牌型Poker Hands 题目描述 Bessie and her friends are playing a unique version of poker involving a deck with N (1 <= N <= 100,000) different ranks, conveniently numbered 1..N (a normal deck has N = 13). In this game, there is only one t…
题目描述 Bessie and her friends are playing a unique version of poker involving a deck with \(N\) (\(1 \leq N \leq 100000\)) different ranks, conveniently numbered \(1..N\) (a normal deck has \(N = 13\)). In this game, there is only one type of hand the…
题目描述 Bessie and her friends are playing a unique version of poker involving a deck with N (1 <= N <= 100,000) different ranks, conveniently numbered 1..N (a normal deck has N = 13). In this game, there is only one type of hand the cows can play: one…
本题有\(O(N)\)的优秀做法,但是因为在考场上不一定能想到,就来分享一种\(O(N\log_2N)\)的做法.虽然有点慢,但是可以过. 前置芝士 线段树:提高组及以上必备内容,不会的同学可以学习一下. 具体做法 只要会线段树就珂以了,是不是很简单. 先考虑贪心,连续的一定是一次去掉,不可能分成多次去取. 于是答案就是每一行连续的段数之和. 如图,第一行为\(1\)段,第二行\(2\)段,第三行\(2\)段,第四行为\(1\)段,所以答案就是\(1+2+2+1=6\).然后再考虑怎么去算出每一…
看似区间数据结构的一道题 题目描述 Bessie and her friends are playing a unique version of poker involving a deck with N (1 <= N <= 100,000) different ranks, conveniently numbered 1..N (a normal deck has N = 13). In this game, there is only one type of hand the cows…
P3080 [USACO13MAR]牛跑The Cow Run 题目描述 Farmer John has forgotten to repair a hole in the fence on his farm, and his N cows (1 <= N <= 1,000) have escaped and gone on a rampage! Each minute a cow is outside the fence, she causes one dollar worth of dam…
P3079 [USACO13MAR]农场的画Farm Painting 题目描述 After several harsh winters, Farmer John has decided it is time to re-paint his farm. The farm consists of N fenced enclosures (1 <= N <= 50,000), each of which can be described by a rectangle in the 2D plane…
题目:https://www.luogu.org/problemnew/show/P2014 千万注意遍历 j 和 k 的边界! 0点很好用. siz很好用. #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; ],f[][],cnt,l[],siz[],x; struct Node{ int to,next; }edge[]; ]; void add(int x,int y) { cnt++; edge[cnt].ne…
洛谷4951 地震 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #define go(i,a,b) for(register int i=a;i<=b;i++) #define ll long long #define db long double #define M 10001 #define N 401 #define inf 1e15 #define eps 1e-12 using name…
P2668 斗地主 326通过 2.6K提交 题目提供者洛谷OnlineJudge 标签搜索/枚举NOIp提高组2015 难度提高+/省选- 提交该题 讨论 题解 记录 最新讨论 出现未知错误是说梗啊 30分打酱油 无水印版本 题目描述 牛牛最近迷上了一种叫斗地主的扑克游戏.斗地主是一种使用黑桃.红心.梅花.方片的A到K加上大小王的共54张牌来进行的扑克牌游戏.在斗地主中,牌的大小关系根据牌的数码表示如下:3<4<5<6<7<8<9<10<J<Q<…