A. Kyoya and Colored Balls time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Kyoya Ootori has a bag with n colored balls that are colored with …
Jzzhu has invented a kind of sequences, they meet the following property: You are given x and y, please calculate fn modulo 1000000007 (109 + 7). Input The first line contains two integers x and y (|x|, |y| ≤ 109). The second line contains a single i…
之前挂上的 今天填坑 2018.2.14 #462 A 给两个集合,B分别可以从一个集合中选一个数,B想乘积最大,A想最小,A可以删除一个第一个集合中的元素,问最小能达到多少. 这题..水死啦.我居然还wa了一发,因为ans初值定的0.....我真是傻. n3暴力就行 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long #define inf 1000000000000000001ll int n,m; ll a[…
E. Pig and Palindromes Peppa the Pig was walking and walked into the forest. What a strange coincidence! The forest has the shape of a rectangle, consisting of n rows and m columns. We enumerate the rows of the rectangle from top to bottom with numbe…
7月8号晚上8点和两位巨佬开了一场虚拟cf: [Helvetic Coding Contest 2018 online mirror (teams allowed, unrated)] 我这么蔡,只AC了A2.C1.C2.E1(被巨佬吊打) 我就说一下我写的几道题吧: A2. Death Stars (medium) The stardate is 1983, and Princess Heidi is getting better at detecting the Death Stars. T…