HDU 5937 Equation】的更多相关文章

Equation Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 92    Accepted Submission(s): 24 Problem Description Little Ruins is a studious boy, recently he learned addition operation! He was rewa…
题意: 有1~9数字各有a1, a2, -, a9个, 有无穷多的+和=. 问只用这些数字, 最多能组成多少个不同的等式x+y=z, 其中x,y,z∈[1,9]. 等式中只要有一个数字不一样 就是不一样的 思路: 计算下可以发现, 等式最多只有36个. 然后每个数字i的上界是17-i个 可以预先判掉答案一定是36的, 然后直接暴力搜索每个等式要不要就好了. 注意剪枝即可 ; int a[maxn]; bool flag36; int ans; struct Equation { int x, y…
题目链接 Equation 给定1-9这9个数字各自的卡片数,求能构成形如$i + j = k$的等式个数 等式中$i,j,k$必须都为个位数 若两个等式中$i,j,k$不完全相等,则这两个等式为不同的等式. 打表发现符合题意的等式有36个 那么通过01搜索状态数为$2^{36}$ TLE 我们求出若答案为36,每张卡片需求量$f[i]$ 每次读入$a[i]$的时候 若对$i(1 <= i <= 9)$, 都有$a[i] >= f[i]$ 则直接输出36 DFS的时候x为当前的等式用/不…
题目链接 problem description Little Ruins is a studious boy, recently he learned addition operation! He was rewarded some number bricks of 11 to 99 and infinity bricks of addition mark '+' and equal mark '='. Now little Ruins is puzzled by those bricks b…
2019 杭电多校 5 1004 题目链接:HDU 6627 比赛链接:2019 Multi-University Training Contest 5 Problem Description You are given two integers \(N,C\) and two integer sequences \(a\) and \(b\) of length \(N\). The sequences are indexed from \(1\) to \(N\). Please solve…
题意: Gorwin is very interested in equations. Nowadays she gets an equation like thisx1+x2+x3+⋯+xn=n, and here 0≤xi≤nfor1≤i≤nxi≤xi+1≤xi+1for1≤i≤n−1 For a certain n, Gorwin wants to know how many combinations of xi satisfies above condition.For the answ…
题目:LINK 题意:求满足题目要求的x序列的种类数. 能够发现符合条件的序列去重后是一个0, 1, ..., k的连续序列(k满足k*(k+1)/2 <= n) ,则这个去重后的序列长度最长为sqrt(n)规模大小. 能够DP.dp[i][j]表示用到1~i的连续数字当前和为j的方法数.不用考虑长度是否满足n个,由于前面能够用0补上去. dp[i][j] = dp[i][j-i] + dp[i-1][j-i];  ans = sum(dp[i][n]) for i in range(1, k)…
公式转化+二分答案 首先,把题目中给的等式转化一下,变成了这个样子. 等式右边的值是可以求出来的. ln(x)/x的大致图像是这样的 那么只要对[0,e]和[e,+∞]分别进行二分答案即可. #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; double Y,k; const double e=2.71828182845904…
思路: 设: 方程为 1*x1 ^ 1*x2 ^ 0*x3 = 0; 0*x1 ^ 1*x2 ^ 1*x3 = 0; 1*x1 ^ 0*x2 ^ 0*x3 = 0 把每一列压缩成一个64位整数,因为x范围为 (0 1 2 3) 二进制位不超过2, 方程组行数不超过30 则用一个大于60位整数就能表示每一列的状态,然后枚举各列就可以了. 如上面方程组 第一列为 1 0 1 ,可写为a1 = 11 00 11, 假设x1取2, 则第一列 s1 = 10 10 10, s1&a1 = 10 00 10…
http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/howproblem.php?pid=2199 Can you solve this equation? Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 13468    Accepted Submission(s): 6006 Problem Description Now,given the…