[转] Windows Mobile 6.0 SDK和中文模拟器下载 Windows Mobile 6.5 模拟器 2010年12月06日 星期一 07:48 转载自 zhangyanle86 终于编辑 zhangyanle86 Windows Mobile 6.0 SDK和中文模拟器下载 SDK 6.0下载页面:http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=06111A3A-A651-4745-88EF-3D48091A390…
I have the Windows Phone 8.1 SDK on my dev pc installed together with VS 2013. I need to open some WP 8.0 projects in VS 2013, but I can't do that without having WP 8.0 SDK installed. However, when I try to install it from the local ISO, I have the f…
将 Visual Studio 2015 升级到 Update 2,并安装 Windows SDK Tools 1.3.1 和 Windows SDK 10586.212 后,有可能造成原本已安装的 10586.15 SDK 损坏,导致 Visual Studio 2015 在新建或打开使用了 10586.15 SDK 的项目时提示以下错误: The project requires a platform SDK (UAP, Version=10.0.10586.0) that is not i…
homepage faq contribute bugs questions Git for Windows v2.11.0 Release Notes Latest update: December 1st 2016 Introduction These release notes describe issues specific to the Git for Windows release. The release notes covering the history of the core…
Chapter 1. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 SDK Overview(SDK概述) You are probably reading this book because your organization recently purchased Microsoft Dynamics CRM or because your organization is evaluating it. As a developer, you want to know what this…
64位windows系统安装javaee6.0不成功解决方案 (2013-01-19 14:59:51) 转载▼ 标签: 杂谈 could not find the required version of the Java(TM)2 Runtime Environment in '(null)' 我也遇到了和你相同的遭遇,心急火燎啊,甚至寝食难安.琢磨来琢磨去,怎么都不行.查了许多相关问题的资料,都没有做出正确的解答,几乎同出一辙的字面解释说我们安装的JRE错误或者没有安装JRE,然而我们的…