从tomcat官网上下载了apache-tomcat-5.5.36.zip,在window xp系统里面解压以后,直接放在了linux服务器上. 进入tomcat/bin目录,执行启动的时候出现如下错误: [root@test bin]# ./startup.shCannot find ./catalina.shThe file is absent or does not have execute permissionThis file is needed to run this program…
上传了个tomcat7的压缩包上linux服务器,解压后,想直接启动,发现报错: Cannot find ./catalina.sh The file is absent or does not have execute permission This file is nee 解决方法: 1.在tomcat 的bin目录下 执行这条命令chmod +x *.sh 2.再次执行 sh catalina.sh通过, 3.然后用sh startup.sh启动成功…
启动tomcat出现The file is absent or does not have execute permission... Cannot find bin/catalina.sh The file is absent or does not have execute permission This file is needed to run this program 通常在服务器上直接copy tomcat后,启动start.sh出现,看错误是权限不足. 用有执行授权的权限账号在bi…
[root@centos02 bin]# ./startup.sh Cannot find ./catalina.sh The file is absent or does not have execute permission This file is needed to run this program [root@centos02 bin]# ll -h startup.sh -rwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 1.9K Nov 3 2014 startup.sh [root@…