Theater stage is a rectangular field of size n × m. The director gave you the stage's plan which actors will follow. For each cell it is stated in the plan if there would be an actor in this cell or not. You are to place a spotlight on the stage in s…
B. Archer Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description SmallR is an archer. SmallR is taking a match of archer with Zanoes. They try to shoot in the target in turns, and SmallR shoots first. The…
A. Opponents 题目连接: Description Arya has n opponents in the school. Each day he will fight with all opponents who are present this day. His opponents have some fighting plan that guarantees they will win…
后天考试,今天做题,我真佩服自己... 这次又只A俩水题... orz各路神犇... 话说这次模拟题挺多... 半个多小时把前面俩水题做完,然后卡C,和往常一样,题目看懂做不出来... A: 算是模拟吧,反正看懂题目后很可耻的生硬水果,没被hack我觉得非常开心... 由于要求两个人至少一个没跳过,画图后发现很偷懒的方法. 虽然跟样例不同,但过了... #include <cstdio> int main() { int n, m; scanf("%d%d", &n…
对于这道水题本人觉得应该应用贪心算法来解这道题: 下面就贴出本人的代码吧: #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> using namespace std; ],b[]; int main(void) { int n; ; ,sum2 = ; ;i<=;++i){ scanf("%d",&a[i]); sum1 += a[i]; } ;i<=;++i){ scanf("%d",&b[…
B. Chocolate 题目连接: Bob loves everything sweet. His favorite chocolate bar consists of pieces, each piece may contain a nut. Bob wants to break the bar of chocolate into multiple pieces…
A. Elephant 题目连接: An elephant decided to visit his friend. It turned out that the elephant's house is located at point 0 and his friend's house is located at point x(x > 0) of the coord…
D. Polyline 题目连接: There are three points marked on the coordinate plane. The goal is to make a simple polyline, without self-intersections and self-touches, such that it passes through…
A. Bulbs 题目连接: Description Vasya wants to turn on Christmas lights consisting of m bulbs. Initially, all bulbs are turned off. There are n buttons, each of them is connected to some set of bulbs. Vasya…
A. Treasure Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Malek has recently found a treasure map. While he was looking for a treasure he found a locked door. There was a string s written on the…
B. Rebranding Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description The name of one small but proud corporation consists of n lowercase English letters. The Corporation has decided to try rebranding — an…
B. Bakery 题目连接: Description Masha wants to open her own bakery and bake muffins in one of the n cities numbered from 1 to n. There are m bidirectional roads, each of whose connects some pair of cities.…
C. Cinema 题目连接: Description Moscow is hosting a major international conference, which is attended by n scientists from different countries. Each of the scientists knows exactly one language. For conveni…
A. Holidays 题目连接: Description On the planet Mars a year lasts exactly n days (there are no leap years on Mars). But Martians have the same weeks as earthlings - 5 work days and then 2 days off. Your tas…
B. Chips Time Limit: 20 Sec  Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Gerald plays the following game. He has a checkered field of size n × n cells, where m various cells are banned. Before the game, he has to…
A. Interview 题目连接: Description Blake is a CEO of a large company called "Blake Technologies". He loves his company very much and he thinks that his company should be the best. That is why every can…
CF链接 Natasha is going to fly to Mars. She needs to build a rocket, which consists of several stages in some order. Each of the stages is defined by a lowercase Latin letter. This way, the rocket can be de…
C. Sanatorium time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasiliy spent his vacation in a sanatorium, came back and found that he completely forgot details of his vacation! Every day th…
A. Puzzles Time Limit: 2 Sec  Memory Limit: 60 MB 题目连接 Description The end of the school year is near and Ms. Manana, the teacher, will soon have to say goodbye to a yet another class. S…
A. Pangram time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output A word or a sentence in some language is called a pangram if all the characters of the alphabet of this language appear in it at…
#include<iostream> #include<mem.h> using namespace std; ],q[]; int main() { int n,x,y; memset(q,,sizeof(q)); cin>>n; while(n) { cin>>x>>y; p[x]=y; q[x]++; q[y]--; n--;//p[x]表示在x之后两位的数是什么 //q[x]表示x这个数究竟有多少个 } ; while(true) { )…
解题报告 意思就是说有n行柜子,放奖杯和奖牌.要求每行柜子要么全是奖杯要么全是奖牌,并且奖杯每行最多5个,奖牌最多10个. 直接把奖杯奖牌各自累加,分别出5和10,向上取整和N比較 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <stdlib.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> using namespa…
题目: 题意:给你n个数值,要求排列这个序列使得第k个数值的前K-1个数的和>=第k个数值的个数尽可能多: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <stack> #incl…
这场比赛手速场+数学场,像我这样读题都读不大懂的蒟蒻表示呵呵呵. 第四题搞了半天,大概想出来了,但来不及(中途家里网炸了)查错,于是我交了两次丢了100分.幸亏这次没有掉rating. 比赛传送门: A.Petya and Origami 题意:Petya要发出n张邀请函,每张请函需要2张红纸,5张绿纸,8张蓝纸.现在商店里有一些不同颜色的笔记本,每本中有k张颜色相同的纸,求最少要买几本笔记本. 这题就是一道模拟题,算出每种…
A. Letter 题目连接: Description A boy Bob likes to draw. Not long ago he bought a rectangular graph (checked) sheet with n rows and m columns. Bob shaded some of the squares on the sheet. Having seen his mas…
最近比赛有点多,可是好像每场比赛都是被虐,单纯磨砺心态的作用.最近讲的内容也有点多,即便是点到为止很浅显的版块,刷了专题之后的状态还是~"咦,能做,可是并没有把握能A啊".每场网络赛,我似乎都没用上新学的东西,能用上新学东西的题我A不了...5555555555555555 这场CF,讲真,打的心态爆炸,首先A题无限WA,赛后看下WA的那组数据是输入有一个999999999的样例,死骗子,说好的数据是1e9呢,哪能有数据是1e10-1,于是用long long,一下子Accept接收不…
A. Fashion in Berland 题目连接: Description According to rules of the Berland fashion, a jacket should be fastened by all the buttons except only one, but not necessarily it should be the last one. Also if…
第一次全程参加的CF比赛(虽然过了D题之后就开始干别的去了),人生第一次codeforces上分--(或许之前的比赛如果都参加全程也不会那么惨吧),终于回到了specialist的行列,感动~.虽然最后也只过了A.B.D3题,但能上分还是非常的激动不已呀. 先发出来A.B.D的参考解法,C比赛时读了题感觉自己可以做出来,但时间只剩20分钟了,索性弃疗--. 11.23 补充上了C的参考代码 A题: 题目地址 用一些str函数应该也可以做,但考虑到字符串长度只有不到100以及题目整体不是很复杂,不… A: 题目大意: 有n辆车,每辆车有一个价钱ci和油箱容量vi.在x轴上,起点为0,终点为s,中途有k个加油站,坐标分别是pi,到每个加油站都可以加满油. 每辆车有2种模式,加速模式花1分钟和2个单位的油前进1个单位,正常模式花2分钟和1个单位的油前进1个单位.  要求选一辆最便宜的车,使得开这辆车从起点到终点的时间小于等于t.从起点出发的时候油是满的. n,k<=105.  vi,pi,s<=109 思路: 首先由于每次都可…
B. Spotlights 题意 有n×m个格子的矩形舞台,每个格子里面可以安排一个演员或聚光灯,聚光灯仅可照射一个方向(俯视,上下左右).若聚光灯能照到演员,则称为"good position",求:共有多少"good position"(同一格子的不同照射方向算作不同的position). 思路 对于一行而言,只要分别找到两侧第一个演员的位置(命名"标志位"),就能确定这一行的"good position".两标志位以外的…