问题描述: 今天同事反应,一个系统上的某些数据没有生成,看了下,怀疑定时任务没有执行,就看下了crontab,发现报了下面的错误: [aimonitor@4A-LF-w08 ~]$ crontab -l Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required You (aimonitor) are not allowed to access to (crontab) because of pam configuration. 问题解决:…
Linux: Authentication token is no longer valid Problem: Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required You (zabbix) are not allowed to access to (crontab) because of pam configuration. PAM Configuration The /etc/pam.d/ directory contain th…
现象:The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid Please verify that your device’s clock is properly set, and that your signing certificate is not expired. your signing certificate is not expired.就是你的证书无效了,去“钥匙访问串”里把无效的证书删除后,重新安装一个有效的就可以…
the identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid.解决方法 一.重新下载Provisioning Profile 1.到development.apple.com网站 2. 3. 4. 5.打开下载下来的PP文件,双击(安装到xcode中),运行程序,successed. 二.General -> Identity -> Team is selected 三.Preferrences--->View Details--…
vmvare虚拟机长时间未使用,导致再次登录的时候密码忘了,无法登录. 启动时长按shift,进入root(recovery)模式, (recovery mode),进入"Recovery Menu (filesystem state :read-only)",执行 passwd user时报错 Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: Authentication token manipulation e…
在Xcode中突然好久没有使用真机调试了.今天使用真机的时候.出现例如以下的警告.并真机执行失败: The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid. Please verify that your device's clock is proprtly set,and that your signing certificate is not expired.(0xE8008018). . 事实上这个问题非常easy,Xcode…