Create OpenStack client environment scripts To create the scripts Create client environment scripts for the admin and demo projects and users. Future portions of this guide reference these scripts to load appropriate credentials for client operations…
安装配置 Before you configure the OpenStack Identity service, you must create a database and an administration token. 一.创建keystone数据库并授权 1.登陆数据库 mysql -u root -p 2.创建数据库并授权 CREATE DATABASE keystone; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON keystone.* TO 'keystone'@'local…
创建租间.用户.角色 一.To configure prerequisites 1.Configure the authentication token: export OS_TOKEN=ADMIN_TOKEN Replace ADMIN_TOKEN with the authentication token 2.Configure the endpoint URL: export OS_URL=http://controller:35357/v2.0 二.To create the servi…
安装配置 Before you install and configure the Image service, you must create a database, service credentials, and API endpoint. 一.创建glance数据库并授权 1.登陆数据库 mysql -u root -p 2.创建数据库并授权 CREATE DATABASE glance; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON glance.* TO 'glance'@'loc…
本文采用VMware虚拟环境,使用CentOS 7.1作为openstack的基础环境. 一.基础平台 1.一台装有VMware的windows系统(可联网) 2.CentOS 7.1 64bit镜像 二.安装三台CentOS 7.1 的虚拟机,要求如下: 系统最小化安装.关闭iptables.selinux controller:内存1G.硬盘100G.CPU 1核.网卡1个 network:内存512M.硬盘50G.CPU 1核.网卡3个…
控制节点 Before you configure the OpenStack Networking (neutron) service, you must create a database, service credentials, and API endpoint. 一.创建neutron数据库并授权 1.登陆数据库 mysql -u root -p 2.创建数据库并授权 CREATE DATABASE neutron; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON neutron.*…
计算节点 To install and configure the Compute hypervisor components 1.Install the packages: yum install openstack-nova-compute sysfsutils 2.Edit the /etc/nova/nova.conf file and complete the following actions: In the [DEFAULT] and [oslo_messaging_rabbit]…
控制节点 Before you install and configure the Compute service, you must create a database, service credentials, and API endpoint. 一.创建nova数据库并授权 1.登陆数据库 mysql -u root -p 2.创建数据库并授权 CREATE DATABASE nova; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nova.* TO 'nova'@'localhost…
控制节点.网络节点.计算节点: 一.配置源 1.配置EPEL源 yum install 2.配置RDO源 yum install 3.升级系统源 yum upgrade #以下为经注释,均在控制节点操作 二.安装配置数据…
OpenStack实践系列②认证服务Keystone 三.实战OpenStack之控制节点3.1 CentOS7的时间同步服务器chrony 下载chrony # yum install -y chrony 修改其配置文件 # vim /etc/chrony.conf allow chrony开机自启动,并且启动 # systemctl enable chronyd.service # systemctl start chronyd.service 设置Centos7的时区为Asia/Shang…