/** * Return whether the given throwable is a checked exception: * that is, neither a RuntimeException nor an Error. * @param ex the throwable to check * @return whether the throwable is a checked exception * @see java.lang.Exception * @see java.lang…
/** * Return whether the given throwable is a checked exception: * that is, neither a RuntimeException nor an Error. * @param ex the throwable to check * @return whether the throwable is a checked exception * @see java.lang.Exception * @see java.lang…
一.当我们不知道该怎么处理这个异常,但是也不想把它"吞"了,或者打印一些无用的信息,可以使用异常链的思路解决.可以直接报"被检查的异常"包装进RuntimeException里面,就像这样: try{ //... to do something useful } catch(IDontKnowWhatToDoWithThisCheckedException e){ throw new RuntimeException(e); } 这种技巧给了你一种选择,你可以不写t…
1. 尝试通过if-else来解决异常问题: Eg: public class Test2 { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); … System.out.print("请输入除数:"); int num2 = 0; if (in.ha…