
Site: http://yaxim.org/yax.im/ Code: https://github.com/ge0rg/yaxim…
  想做个基于xmpp的即时通讯工具,服务端已经基本成型了.当然需要客户端需要配合,PC端基于spark进行改造,手机端先从Android入手(IOS估计一个人是搞不过来了). 原本Android开发就是半桶水,像样的开发产品也没做过,就权当零基础重新学习吧,折腾了一个多月,算能看得懂代码了,就找到几个开源XMPP客户端,想至少有个框架做基础.由于Android本身就不熟,编译运行就用了3,4天的时间,大致看了下基本框架,简单记录一下,以供自己和他人做个参考. Xabber Git地址为:htt…
附:asmack已经不需要了,4.1以后的smack已经可以在android上使用了. XMPP Clients:   http://xmpp.org/software/clients.html An XMPP client is any software or application that enables you to connect to an XMPP for instant messaging with other people over the Internet. There ar…
awesome-android Introduction android libs from github System requirements Android Notice If the lib is no longer being maintained,please do not add it here. How To Contribute Step 1. Add a Item as follows: **Library Name**[one space]Short Description…