git 上down下项目后,发现Android Studio报错: What went wrong: /Users/raomengyang/Documents/workspace/fontmanager/.gradle/2.2.1/taskArtifacts/ (No such file or directory) > /Users/raomengyang/Documents/workspace/fon…
转自: Android Studio报错: What went wrong: /Users/raomengyang/Documents/workspace/fontmanager/.gradle/2.2.1/taskArtifacts/ (No such file or directory) > /Us…
About Cache Loaders A CacheLoader is an interface that specifies load() and loadAll() methods with a variety of parameters. CacheLoaders are incorporated into the core Ehcache classes and can be configured in ehcache.xml. CacheLoaders are invoked in…
About Cache Decorators Ehcache uses the Ehcache interface, of which Cache is an implementation. It is possible and encouraged to create Ehcache decorators that are backed by a Cache instance, implement Ehcache and provide extra functionality. The Dec…