One-Way and Duplex Communication A message exchange pattern describes the way messages are sent between applica-tions. There are three classic message exchange patterns: request-reply, one-way, and duplex (callbacks). Figure 3-7 illustrates these pat…
In the previous lab,you created a service and client from scratch without leveraging the tools available to WCF developers. Although this helps you to understand the raw requirements for sending messages between clients and services,in reality,develo…
How messages reach a service endpoint is a matter of protocols and hosting. IIS can host services over HTTP protocol,the Windows Activation Service (WAS) can support others such as TCP and named pipes,and self-hosting can support many protocols and i…
Learning WCF Download Example Code 第一个压缩文件LearningWCF.zip是VS2005创建的项目,不要下载这个. 建议下载VS2008版的,以及Media…
##机器学习(Machine Learning)&深度学习(Deep Learning)资料(Chapter 2)---#####注:机器学习资料[篇目一](共500条,[篇目二](开始更新------#####希望转载的朋友**一定要保留原文链接**,因为这个项目还在继续也在不定期更新.希望看到…
WCF消息交换模式之双工通讯(Duplex) 双工通讯Duplex具有以下特点: 1它可以在处理完请求之后,通过请求客户端中的回调进行响应操作 2.消息交换过程中,服务端和客户端角色会发生调换 3.服务端处理完请求后,返回给客户端的不是reply,而是callback请求. 4.Duplex模式对Bindding有特殊的要求,它要求支持Duplex MEP(Message Exchange Pattern),如WSDualHttpBinding和NetTcpBinding 注意:在WCF预定义绑…
You’re about to be introduced to the WCF service. This lab isn’t your typical “Hello World”—it’s “Hello Indigo”! In this lab,you will learn how to build a new WCF service and in the process learn the minimum requirements of service development and co…
While messaging protocols are responsible for message serialization formats,there must be a way to capture the protocols required to communicate between clients and services. In Chapter 1,you worked with WSDL documents,which describe the requirements…
In Chapter 1,you were introduced to fundamental WCF concepts,      在章节1中,学习了wcf中的基础概念including how to create and consume a service,           包括如何创建以及调用服务how to host a service and expose endpoints where it can be reached by clients,    如何托管服务,使得客户端可以…
SummaryThis chapter covered a lot of ground,beginning with a look at the purpose of WCF,the problems it solves and its alignment with SOA,through discussion of the fundamentals developers should know before they begin working with WCF. I also touched…