I'll start coding with JEE soon. Product environment adopts Oracle + WebLogic in Linux, technology adopts EJB3 and JPA. So I'm going to set a development environment in my own computer with them. For iMac installing JDK, Eclipse or Maven will not be…
1. 让用户输入圆的半径,告诉用户圆的面积: import math while True: # 用户输入 r = input("请输入圆的半径:") # 判断如果是字符则重新输入 if not r.isalpha() : # 数据处理 r = float(r) cicleArea = math.pi*r**2 # 结果输出 print("圆的面积是:%f&qu…
VirtualBox error: Kernel driver not installed (rc=1908) Hi all, Let me first say that this is my final resort after googling this issue for the last several hours. None of the solutions that I have found are working for me. My VirtualBox (PUEL, not O…