**使用系统内置的colormap** ``` syms x y ezmesh(x*exp(-x^2-y^2),[-2.5,2.5],40) colormap(hot) ``` 自定义colormap ``` syms x y ezmesh(x*exp(-x^2-y^2),[-2.5,2.5],40) colormap([0,1,0.5 ;1,0,0]) //分成两部分,分别映射成红色和绿色 ``` ``` syms x y ezmesh(x*exp(-x^2-y^2),[-…
change grayscale to pseudo colouring using colormap in Matlab In matlab you can view a grayscale image with: imshow(im) Which for my image im shows:And you can also view this grayscale image using pseudocolors from a given colormap with something lik…