default username : pi default password : raspberry enter system setting interface : sudo raspi-config download schematic download link:…
参考: Raspberry Pi         Get started with Raspberry Pi (RPi), a step by step approach to get your Raspberry Pi with low level electronics hardware control. Make simple, step by step… Which Switch? Aaron Shaw Pulling the plug on your Pi without an orderly shutdown can corrupt the SD card. Also, many users prefer a convenient sw…
Raspberry Pi's latest kernels and firmware, including Raspbian and NOOBS releases, now by default use Device Tree (DT) to manage some resource allocation and module loading. This change is to alleviate the problem of multiple drivers contending for s… Step 5: Installing Required Libraries The miner to be installed comes as source files, which means that the program must be compiled into a binary before it can be run. To make a prog…
there are some things to do for raspberry pi 3b for the first time: 1, connect pi with monitor/KB/mouse, then power on it and go into its desktop(by default):expand system up to the whole storage of SD card(it seems to be maximum of 64G by official e…
本文参考 作者 AntMan232 In this instructable, I will explain how to use I2C on the Pi, with the examples of the CMPS03 compass module and SRF08 Ultrasonic range, using python. I will expl…
Project Description Pi# (pronounced “Pi Sharp”) is a library to expose the GPIO functionality of the Raspberry Pi computer to the C# and Visual Basic.Net languages. Also included is the Pi# simulator which runs under Windows, OSX or Linux to allow yo…
[quote ]ffmpeg, gstreamer, Raspberry Pi, Windows Desktop streaming This is a work still in progress with unsatisfactory results (image quality, delay, very low fram… Software & Distributions: Software - an overview. Distributions - operating systems and development environments for the Raspberry Pi. Kernel Compilation - advice on compiling a ker…
This tutorial shows how to cross-compile the Embedded build of Qt 5.5 for Raspberry Pi 2. The Embedded build does not use the X11 server and instead displays the GUI directly using the Raspberry Pi framebuffer. We will show how to use a Raspberry Pi…
How to emulate a Raspberry Pi on your PC I am very interested in trying simulators and emulators for popular IoT devices. One of those is the Raspberry Pi. As I was searching for simulators, I found that one of the best ones is QEMU. I found lots of…
Raspberry Pi - Huawei HiLink E3256 3G modem to ethernet adapter This page documents how to configure a Raspberry Pi to act as a USB mobile-broadband-dongle to RJ45 ethernet 'adapter'. This enables mobile-based broadband to feed the 'WAN' port of a co…
转载: In our first part on software-defined radio and signals intelligence, we learned how to set up a radio listening station to find and…
1. 如何在没有显示器的情况下,查看 Raspberry Pi 3的 IP 信息(Raspberry Pi 3 ,IP Address) 1 IP Address Any device connected to a Local Area Network is assigned an IP address. In order to connect to your Raspberry Pi from another machine using SSH or VNC, you need to know…
Setting up Wifi with the Command Line  SIMON MONK   This tutorial works best if your router is broadcasting the SSID. Make sure you have "Broadcast SSID" set up on your router! This may not work with "private" SSID setups Setting up Wi…
参考: Raspberry Pi UART with PySerial   OS: Occidentalis v0.2Hardware: Raspberry Pi Revision B with CobblerSetup: Serial loopback (connect RX and TX pins on GPIO pins) Lin…
参考:RPi Serial Connection 本文来自: Using the UART If you are running Raspbian or similar then the UART will be used as a serial console.  Using a suitable cable, such as…
本文主要用于记录安装过程,以便日后查阅回顾. 之前在自己的树莓派上运行的一直是通过NOOB安装的Raspbian,但是本人平时更喜欢用Fedora作为开发和使用环境,而且Raspbian上的软件包通常更新比较缓慢.因为树莓派2代B型上市前,树莓派的芯片都是armv6或者更早的架构,只能运行ARM架构的Raspbian或者Fedora 18及更早版本.树莓派2代B型搭载的芯片架构是armv7,树莓派3代搭载的芯片架构是armv8,这两种芯片都能够运行ARM架构的Fedora 23,而仅运行Rasp…
ABSTRACT There are two main methods for building the kernel. You can build locally on a Raspberry Pi which will take a long time; or you can cross-compile, which is much quicker.There is an introduction about cross-compilation as follows. You need ub… Posted by dconroy on Jul 10, 2013 in How To's, Raspberry Pi | 142 comments | 143,087 views I’m writing this blog to help anyone wi…
最近在做一个项目,需要用树莓派作为AP发射wifi,对比cubieboard,树莓派的配置容易得多,而且支持也更多. 较为官方的介绍配置为无线热点的文章莫过于这一篇<RPI-Wireless-Hotspot> 按照这个设置,我的其实不成功,于是找到这篇文章<Turn Your Raspberry Pi Into a WiFi Hotspot with Edimax Nano USB EW-7811Un (RTL8188CUS chipset)> 下面是我配置的过程,主要是hosta…
The Arduino is a small Atmel-based microcontroller development board easily integrated into many different types of digital control and automation. Hundreds of thousands of Makers, hobbyists and researchers around the world make use of Arduino variat…
  What is this? "Roomblock" is a robot platform consists of a Roomba, a Raspberry Pi 2, a laser sensor(RPLIDAR) and a mobile battery. The mounting frame can be made by 3D printers. ROS navigation system enable to make a map of rooms and use it t…
Installing ROS Indigo on the Raspberry Pi Description: This instruction covers the installation of ROS Indigo on the original Raspberry Pi with Raspbian.Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Setup, IndigoContents 1 Introduction This tutorial explains how to instal…
raspberry pi买回来玩了一段时间,现在就记录一下入门遇到的一些问题吧. 首先是烧写镜像,和安装电脑系统是一样的道理. 先要有一个制作一个U启动盘.先将SD卡格式化,再用Win32DiskImager或dd命令将raspberry官方下载的镜像烧写进去(这种文档很多的,随便找一个都可以完成操作). 使用dd时可能很慢,那么请用: sudo dd if=/location/of/raspbian.img of=/dev/rdisk1 bs=1m /dev/rdisk1表示是U盘设备,最好不…
After damaging the GPIO port on our raspberry pi while designing a new solar monitoring system we decided that it might be a good idea to build a buffer/level translator to protect the GPIO pins from over voltage and ESD spikes.  The board would need…
由于我使用树莓派的场景大多数是在没有显示器.只用terminal连接它的情况下,所以,它的IP地址有时会在重启之后变掉(DHCP的),导致我无法通过terminal连接上它.然后我又要很麻烦地登录路由器的管理界面里,去看它被分配到的新IP是什么,然后用terminal重连,太麻烦了,不是么?作为一个树莓派玩家,这种麻烦简直是无法接受的! 为了解决这个问题,我让Pi开机的时候,自动向我指定的Email发送一封邮件,告诉我它此次开机时的IP地址.步骤: 开机时执行一个脚本,检测网络可用性→网络通畅后…
使用htpdate同步时间 由于树莓派板子上没有 RTC 硬件和电池,因此树莓派上的系统时间重启是保存不了的.网上已经有人想到应对 NTP 被防火墙封掉类似的需求了,开源的 htpdate 命令直接使用 HTTP 协议来进行系统时间同步,项目主页在这里: htpdate 的原理也非常简单,直接解析 HTTP 协议头中的服务器时间信息,然后设置本地时间,我们来看百度返回的 HTTP 头: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Da…   Overview of Raspberry Pi web simulator Click the button to launch Raspberry Pi online simulator. START RASPBERRY PI…