Jena TDB assembler syntax】的更多相关文章

1 introduction Assembler is a DSL of Jena to specify something to build, models and dataset, for example. 2 examples Jena Assembler's syntax seems like turtle, here is commonly used prefixes: @prefix tdb: <> . @prefix…
TDB Assembler Assemblers (装配器) 是Jena中用于描述将要构建的对象(通常是模型和数据集 models & datasets)的一种通用机制.例如, Fuseki 严重依赖使用 Assemblers 来描述模型和数据集. SPARQL 查询是在RDF数据集上操作的.RDF 数据集由一个未命名的默认图( a unnamed, default graph) 和 0个或多个命名图(named graphs)构成. 将数据描述存储在一个文件中,意味着应用程序工作时依赖的数据可…
1 Introduction TDB is a RDF storage of Jena. official guarantees and limitations TDB support full range of Jena APIs TDB can be used as a high performance RDF store on a single machine TDB can be accessed and managed with cmd scripts and Java API TDB…
Update on 2015/05/12 ongoing tutorials site on 废话 /** 前几天的面试,是一个组织研究生团队开展分布式计算应用的面试.在该面试中,被虐的很惨,在这里整理一下一些重要的反馈: (1)什么是本体.语义Web?有没有什么应用市场? 第一遍回答的支离破碎的,之后面试官是在看不下去,诱导性的说举个例子吧,才回答出概念taxonomy.概念关…
Apache Jena TDB CRUD operations June 11, 2015 by maltesander In this tutorial we explain Apache Jena TDB CRUD operations with simple examples. The CRUD operations are implemented with the J…
本体的存储方法或称本体持久化,大致分为基于内存的方式.基于文件的方式.基于数据库的方式和专门的管理工具方式4种(傅柱等, 2013).其中,基于数据库的方式又有基于关系数据库.基于面向对象数据库.基于Native XML数据库和基于NoSQL的三元组数据库(Triple Store)4种主要方式.基于数据库的本体持久化方式充分利用了数据库的安全可靠(数据保密.数据完整性.并发控制.故障恢复等).高效.易于管理并易于与应用系统集成等优点,是主要的本体持久化方式. 在本体中,数据被表示为一系列由主语…
1 description 这篇是语义网应用框架Apache Jena学习记录的索引. 初始动机见Apache Jena - A Bootstrap 2 Content 内容组织基本上遵循Jena首页上功能的划分. Jena语义Web开发101: Tutorial. Jena对描述逻辑构造的支持: Jena对描述逻辑(Description Logic)的支持程度探究. 2.1 RDF/OWL 包括RDF API.Ontology API.Inference API. 2.2 ARQ(SPARQ…
前言 正如其承诺的那样 Expose your triples as a SPARQL end-point accessible over HTTP. Fuseki provides REST-style interaction with your RDF data. Fuseki提供了可通过HTTP访问SPARQL终端,那么它应该实现RDF存储.CRUD等事务性操作.同时兼容W3C SPARQL 1.1建议(…
Version Fuseki v1 Fuseki v2 since Jena 2.13.0 Both v1 and v2 are active and maintained.[2015/06/29] v1 1 start $ cd FUSEKI_V1_HOME $ chmod +x fuseki-server s-* $ ./fuseki-server --update --mem /ds # the dataset name is '/ds' fuseki-server options --l…
一.Apache Jena简介 Apache Jena(后文简称Jena),是一个开源的Java语义网框架(open source Semantic Web Framework for Java),用于构建语义网和链接数据应用.下面是Jena的架构图: 本次实践我们会用到的组件有:TDB.rule reasoner和Fuseki. 1. TDB是Jena用于存储RDF的组件,是属于存储层面的技术.在单机情况下,它能够提供非常高的RDF存储性能.目前TDB的最新版本是TDB2,且与TDB1不兼容.…
VER300    Delphi Seattle / C++Builder Seattle    23    230    (Delphi:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS32/iOS64/Android) (C++Builder:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS32/iOS64/Android)        VER290    Delphi XE8 / C++Builder XE8    22    220    (Delphi:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS32/iOS…
; not allowed before ELSE ElSE前不允许有“;” <clause> clause not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段不允许“<clause>”子句 <name> is not a type identifier <name>不是类型标识符 <name> not previously declared as a PROPERTY <name>前面没有说…
******************************* * 编 译 错 误 信 息 * ******************************* ';' not allowed before 'ELSE' ElSE前不允许有“;” '<clause>' clause not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段不允许“<clause>”子句 '<name>' is not a type identifier…
src: When you see some assembler in a source package, there are some things which you need to consider when porting for Thumb-2 compatibility. This page aims to highlight the mai…
******************************* * 编 译 错 误 信 息 * ******************************* ';' not allowed before 'ELSE' ElSE前不允许有“;” '<clause>' clause not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段不允许“<clause>”子句 '<name>' is not a type identifier…
ARM指令集编码格式解读 说明: 1.本文参考的书籍<ARM Architecture Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition>中的Chapter A5: ARM Instruction Set Encoding. 2.本人对本文最终效果中的表格缩进没有对齐的现象表示歉意,因为目前本人解决不了   :) 3.本文的解读流程如下: 1.Format of the CPSR and SPSRs:因为CPSR中有影响指令执行的条件标志: 2.The…
Yasm 1.3.0 Release Notes Target Audience Welcome to the 1.3.0 release of the Yasm Modular Assembler. Its target audience includes people who want to: use a mature NASM-syntax x86 and AMD64 assembler…
volatile bool lock = false; void func(void) { int i; while(lock);   lock = true; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { printk("pid = %d comm = %s \n",  current->pid, current->comm); mdelay(1000); } lock = false; } 对于上面的例子,在SMP系统中,假设cpu0的进程A获得了锁,cpu1… Table of Contents 1 Overview 1.1 Structure of this Manual 1.2 The GNU Assembler 1.3 Object File Formats 1.4 Command Line 1.5 Input Files 1.6 Output (Object) File 1.7 Error and Warning Messages 2 Command-Line O…
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to virtual machine implementations, and in particular to a safe general purpose virtual machine that generates optimized virtual machine computer programs that are executable in a general purp…
This document is the user manual for the Yasm assembler. It is intended as both an introduction and a general-purpose reference for all Yasm users. 1. Introduction Yasm is a BSD-licensed assembler that is designed from the ground up to allow for mult…
来自:<DDI0406C_C_arm_architecture_reference_manual.pdf>p2723 能够查询到:“RAZ RAO WI 等的意思” RAZ:Read-As-Zero 读到的总是0 RAO:Read-As-Oned读到的总是1 WI :Writes Ignoredx 写无效 SBZP:Should-Be-Zero-or-Preserved on writes 写总是0 SBOP : Should-Be-One-or-Preserved on writes. 写总…
******************************* * 编 译 错 误 信 息 * ******************************* ';' not allowed before 'ELSE' ElSE前不允许有“;” '' clause not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段不允许“”子句 '' is not a type identifier 不是类型标识符 '' not previously declared…
转自: Zhang Binghua 创作于 2020/05/19 打赏 微信公众号   知识星球 关注 @泰晓科技 与数千位一线 Linux 工程师做朋友,您准备好了吗? 周一到周五,天天有新文.   日更实战经验与技巧! 1 背景简介 大家好,我叫张昺华,中间那个字和“饼”字一个读音,本人非常热衷技术,是个技术狂热者. 今天我想分享一个跟多核锁原理相关的东西,由于我搞 arm 居多,所以目前只研究了 arm 架构下的 WFE 指令,分享出来…
';' not allowed before 'ELSE' → ElSE前不允许有";" " clause not allowed in OLE automation section → 在OLE自动区段不允许""子句 " is not a type identifier → 不是类型标识符 " not previously declared as a PROPERTY → 前面没有说明PROPERTY 'GOTO ' leads in…
Assembler : The Basics In Reversing Indeed: the basics!! This is all far from complete but covers about everything you need to know about assembler to start on your reversing journey! Assembler is the start and the end of all programming languages. A…
1 introduction definition cited from SPARQL 1.1 Overview: SPARQL 1.1 is a set of specifications that provide languages and protocols to query and manipulate RDF graph content on the Web or in an RDF store. I roughly divide W3C's SPARQL 1.1 Specificat…
与研究语义网的同行们分享一下上半年做的一个东西,它是支持BLOB操作的Jena框架扩展--JenaBLOB,已在GitHub上开源,欢迎提出宝贵意见! 众所周知,Jena是不支持BLOB类型的Literal的,但根据RDF强大的模型来说,它并不排除属性值可以是BLOB类型.JenaBLOB用于实现这种功能. 托管地址: jena-blob write/read/query BLOBs(binary large obj…
第二步 在D2RQ平台上配置jena环境 2013年10月16日 9:48:53 搞了这么长时间语义,只用过protege这样的工具,一直没有落实到实际代码上.jena也看过好久了,总认为是hp公司的东西算不上标准,现在看来,jena已经是语义应用开发中最主流的工具了,我就此选择jena进行语义应用的开发了.     Getting started with Apache Jena Apache Jena (or Jena in short) 是免费开源的java框架用于构建语义网应用和关联数据…
Attribute Syntax This section describes the syntax with which __attribute__ may be used, and the constructs to which attribute specifiers bind, for the C language. Some details may vary for C++ and Objective-C. Because of infelicities in the grammar…