tom认为UGA不包含 sort工作区,所以下面的图都是错误的 The UGA is, in effect, your sessions state. It is memory that your session must always be able to get to. The location of the UGA is wholly dependent on how you connected to Oracle. If you connected via a shared serve…
一. ORA-600 概述 Errorsof the form ORA-600 are called internal errors. This section clarifies themisunderstanding of ORA-600s being synonymous with corruption. An ORA-600 usually has up to five arguments associated withit which gives Oracle support and…
本章提要--------------------------------------------------SGA: System Global Area ( 包括background process)PGA: Process Global Area 进程或线程专用内存UGA: User Global Area 与session相关, 可能在SGA 或 PGA内分配 采用dedicated server 那么, UGA 就在 PGA 中, 否则, UGA在 SGA中-----------…
建立逻辑路径 create or replace directory dumpdir as 'c:\'; grant read,write on directory dumpdir to scott; 倒入/出 expdp newdr/123456@hncrm directory=test dumpfile=test_score1.dmp logfile=tes t.log parallel=2 schemas=newdr 错误 ORA-00054 resource busy and acqui…
SQL> show parameter pga NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ pga_aggregate_target big integer 200M 是一个上限目标,而不是启动数据库时预分配的内存大小.可以把 pga_aggregate_target 设置为一个超大的值(远远大于服务器上实际可用的物理内…
PGA : 是完全为 server process 服务的, 在 server process 创建时被分配到, 在server process 终止时被释放. 而且是非共享的, 只独立服务于这个server process. (server process 的私有内存空间) 作用: 1. 存储server process 执行SQL所需要的私有数据和控制文件 2. 会话空间, 存放 session 等相关信息 3. SQL工作区: 排序操作(orader by/group by/distinc…