Dear Seller, We are contacting you because we have detected potential pricing errors in your product listings. To avoid a potentially negative customer experience caused by mispriced items, we have deactivated these listings. These deactiv…
Hello ***, Your selling privileges have been suspended because we have not received required tax identity information for your account. As we communicated previously, Amazon requires tax identity information from the following sellers: All Professi…
continue:继续运行后面的请求 start next thread loop:后面的请求不执行,重新循环执行 stop thread:停止所有线程(等待正在执行的线程执行完后,失败的请求后面的请求不会再执行) stop test:(停止测试) (等待当前执行的采样器结束后,结束整个测试):如果login操作失败,当前正在执行的操作是HTTP Request,那么要等执行完HTTP Request之后才会结束整个测试. stop the test now : 立即停止整个测试,导致正在执行…
智商拙计的问题,没有找到为类LoginAction和error找到定义,然后重新去struts.xml去看,我类个去,我居然把result写成了ERROR <result name="ERROR">/WEB-INF/content/error.jsp</result> 再看看Action类的源代码 /** * The action execution was a failure. * Show an error view, possibly asking the…
现象 [ERROR] lines containing "Sort aborted" are present in the MySQL error log file. [Warning] Sort aborted : Out of memory (Needed 24 bytes) [ERROR] Sort aborted From MySQL 5.5.11 onward: [ERROR] mysqld: Out of sort memory; consider increasing s… Most Windows Sockets 2 functions do not return the specific cause of an error when the function returns. For information, see the Handling Winsock Errors topic. The WSAGe…