Become a Better Programmer: 5 Essential Methods at a Glance Tobias Günther, January 2014 Developing software in a professional way is more than just the simple act of 'coding'. To…
1.Programming Language Primitive Types primitive types:Any data types the compiler directly supports. Primitive types map directly to types existing in the Framework Class Library (FCL). use the FCL type names and completely avoid the primitive type…
6. IoC容器 6.1 Spring IoC容器和bean介绍 这一章节介绍了Spring框架的控制反转(IoC)实现的原理.IoC也被称作依赖注入(DI).It is a process whereby objects define their dependencies, that is, the other objects they work with, only through constructor arguments, arguments to a factory method, o…
Asynchronous Programming with Async and Await You can avoid performance bottlenecks and enhance the overall responsiveness of your application by using asynchronous programming. However, traditional techniques for writing asynchronous applications ca…
stall stall and flow separation Table of Contents 1. Stall and flow separation 1.1. Separation of Boundary Layers 1.2. Types of stall 1.3. Post stall airfoil data for BEM 1.3.1. Extraplolation methods: 1.3.2. Reference 1.4. Parameters affects stall 1…
Part 1: not disposing a subscription Judging by the number of talks, articles and discussions related to reactive programming in Swift, it looks like the community has been taken by the storm. It's not that the concept of reactiveness itself is a new…
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to processors and computer systems. More specifically, the present invention relates to an object-oriented processor architecture and operating method. A conventional central processing unit (…
前言 本文将主要介绍以下内容: 详细列出Apple官文中KVO的注意事项(Apple KVO相关的引用皆摘自Apple官文). 介绍FBKVOController,以及它如何避免系统提供的KVO坑点. Apple官文中的KVO 关于KVO   官方文档: Key-value observing is a mechanism that allows objects to be notified of changes to specified properties of other objects.…
A typical software application will invariably need to access some kind of data store in order to carry typical CRUD (Create, Read Update, Delete) operations on data. Typically, this could be some kind of database, file system or any kind of storage…
要深入理解spring mvc的工作流程,就需要先了解spring mvc的架构: 从上图可以看到 前端控制器DispatcherServlet在其中起着主导作用,理解了DispatcherServlet 就完全可以说弄清楚了spring mvc. 为了加深对spring mvc的整个工作流程的理解,本文从分析DispatcherServlet的工作过程来一窥spring mvc的整个面貌. 1. 初始化 protected void initStrategies(ApplicationCont…