March 31 2017 Week 13 Friday】的更多相关文章

Sometimes, you think the sky is falling down, actually, that is just because you stand slanting. 有时候,你觉得天快要塌下来了,其实,不过是因为你站歪了而已. Terrible feelings, I thought I may be lost in this project. Five months, I didn't present a not bad result. Maybe the sky…
I learned the value of hard work by working hard. 只有真的努力了,才会知道努力的价值. On the day, March 12th 2017, I wrote the same words, and I felt the same feelings just as I feel today, depressed and frustrated. Every time I though I could bring an end to it, une…
It's during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. 在最黑暗的时刻,最该努力看到光. I always thought the past tens of years were the darkest moments in my life, and maybe the future remains in endless dark if I can't make some thorough changes in m…
Never was anything great achieved without danger. 不经历风雨,又怎能见彩虹. After the rain, if there's the sunshine, then we may see the beautiful rainbow, one natural phenomenon, formed by the water vapour in the air reflects the sunshine. Red, orange, yellow,…
A book that remains shut is but a block. 有书闭卷不阅读,无异于一块木头. I had planned to buy a book and read it every month, but after I had bought some, I found these professional books all were tomes and seemingly quite difficult to finish reading in just one mo…
Deliver not your words by number but by weight. 言不在多,而在有物. Do more than talk, say something. I still remember when I was a child in the primary school, our teacher told us the basic technique of writing is to write something concrete, only in that wa…
easyUI datebox 日期空间斜杠格式化 将日期空间中显示2017-03-13,改为2017/03/13 //日期控件斜杠格式化 function formatDate(date){ if( "" != date ){ var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = date.getMonth()+1; var day = date.getDate(); if( month < 10 ){ month = '0' + month; }…
 Xamarin 2017.9.13发布更新 Visual Studio 2017更新到15.3.4.其中,Xamarin.Visual更新到4.6.3.4;Xamarin.iOS更新到10.12.3.3 ;Xamarin.Android更新到7.4.3.1 .用户只需要更新Visual Studio 2017即可.Visual Studio 2015需要工具-选项-Xamarin进行更新,或者手动更新.   工具包分享地址链接  密码:jl3l…
2017/11/13 Leetcode 日记 463. Island Perimeter You are given a map in form of a two-dimensional integer grid where 1 represents land and 0 represents water. Grid cells are connected horizontally/vertically (not diagonally). The grid is completely surro…
Mirra(截至2017/11/13) 1.主要特点: 目前仅支持VR,不支持AR 在浏览器(仅支持chrome,firefox)上进行创作,但目前不能直接在浏览器上观看VR,需要下载软件观看 拖拽式创作(无需编程) · 资源:使用官网提供的3D模型.图片等资源:也可以从本地上传相应类型的资源 支持的类型有3D模型.图片.video.360°全景.文本.声音.表格 免费账户的资源空间限制为500M以下 2.创作内容分享 免费账户可以创作并观看他人分享的内…