event driven model】的更多相关文章

http://www.jdon.com/eda.html http://blog.csdn.net/gykimo/article/details/9182287 事件代表过去发生的事件,事件既是技术架构概念,也是业务概念.以事件为驱动的编程模型称为事件驱动架构EDA. EDA是一种以事件为媒介,实现组件或服务之间最大松耦合的方式.传统面向接口编程是以接口为媒介,实现调用接口者和接口实现者之间的解耦,但是这种解耦程度不是很高,如果接口发生变化,双方代码都需要变动,而事件驱动则是调用者和被调用者互相…
在微服务中使用领域事件   稍微回想一下计算机硬件的工作原理我们便不难发现,整个计算机的工作过程其实就是一个对事件的处理过程.当你点击鼠标.敲击键盘或者插上U盘时,计算机便以中断的形式处理各种外部事件.在软件开发领域,事件驱动架构(Event Driven Architecture,EDA)早已被开发者用于各种实践,典型的应用场景比如浏览器对用户输入的处理.消息机制以及SOA.最近几年重新进入开发者视野的响应式编程(Reactive Programming)更是将事件作为该编程模型中的一等公民.…
FROM: http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/03_event_driven_programming/index.php Event Driven Programming Last Updated 1/04/14 Besides just putting images on the screen, games require that you handle input from the user. You can do that with SDL using th…
1. event :Something that happens during your application that requires a response. 2.event object:The concrete representation of an event in wxPython including data attributes that encapsulate the specifics of the event. Events are represented as ins…
KVM Kernel-based Virtual Machine Internals, code and more http://slides.com/braoru/kvm#/ What behind KVM QEMU and KVM architecture overview KVM internals Very small Introduction to Libvirt KVM in 5 secondes Introduced to make VT-x/AMD-V available to…
原文地址:http://www.dotnetjalps.com/2013/05/Simple-data-binding-with-Knockout-Web-API-and-ASP-Net-Web-Forms.html In this post We are going to see How Knockout, ASP.Net Web API and ASP.Net works together smoothly. There are lots many examples of ASP.Net M…
使用Knockout, Web API 和 ASP.Net Web Forms 进行简单数据绑定   原文地址:http://www.dotnetjalps.com/2013/05/Simple-data-binding-with-Knockout-Web-API-and-ASP-Net-Web-Forms.html In this post We are going to see How Knockout, ASP.Net Web API and ASP.Net works together…
What is ASP.NET? ASP.NET is a Microsoft’s Web application framework built on Common language runtime for building dynamic web sites using one of the programming languages like C#, VB.NET etc. It supports 2 models Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC. What is We…
原文地址:http://www.infoq.com/articles/ddd-in-practice Background Domain Driven Design (DDD) is about mapping business domain concepts into software artifacts. Most of the writings and articles on this topic have been based on Eric Evans' book "Domain Dr…
事件驱动模型 上节的问题: 协程:遇到IO操作就切换. 但什么时候切回去呢?怎么确定IO操作完了? 很多程序员可能会考虑使用“线程池”或“连接池”.“线程池”旨在减少创建和销毁线程的频率,其维持一定合理数量的线程,并让空闲的线程重新承担新的执行任务.“连接池”维持连接的缓存池,尽量重用已有的连接.减少创建和关闭连接的频率. 这两种技术都可以很好的降低系统开销,都被广泛应用很多大型系统,如websphere.tomcat和各种数据库等.但是,“线程池”和“连接池”技术也只是在一定程度上缓解了频繁调…