一.昨天内容回顾 创建ajax对象 a) 主流浏览器 new XMLHttpRequest(); b) IE浏览器 new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0"); 常用属性和方法 属性:responseText/responseXML readyState onreadystatechange 方法:open(方式,url地址,true/false) send() setRequestHeader() get请求和post请求 ge…
Does the model binder not suport arrays of JSON objects? The code below works when sending a single JSON domain object as part of the ajax post. However, when sending an array of JSON domain objects, the action parameter is null. var domains = [{ Dom…
np array转json import numpy as np import codecs, json a = np.arange().reshape(,) # a by array b = a.tolist() # nested lists with same data, indices file_path = "/path.json" ## your path variable json.dump(b, codecs.open(file_path, ) ### this save…