找到答案了.随便传个包上去.然后拒绝掉,又一次prepare to upload.就会出现选项. 相应选择就好了.…
原地址: 报告 improper Advertising identifier [IDFA] Usage. Your app contains the Advertising Identifier [IDFA] API but you have not indicated its usage on the prepare for Upload page in iTunes Connect. http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/read.php?tid=197462&pag…
本文转载至  https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3NzM0NzkxMQ==&mid=401172721&idx=1&sn=a369cf1b36039c22e1c741d27ea54b19&scene=1&srcid=1117MY3OS88dzC3BHWmbmHbS&key=d4b25ade3662d643871e0b47f9bd852181985a9a6465a65711ab78c054fb824fbf6f929ee2b…
说明:此次学习使用了springboot框架,jpa注解映射实体类 1,No identifier specified for entity: com.tf.model.User 看到此错误第一反应百度谷歌.(经过一阵检索)看到了答案 原因:pojo实体bean缺少了主键 于是返回项目中查看实体类 @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy= GenerationType.AUTO) private Long id; 1 2 3 4 5 缺少主键?开玩笑奥,我都有!细心的我又看了看…
IDFA问题 iOS APP上线被拒绝的问题解决(AdSupport),百度统计,友盟统计,讯飞语音等   苹果反馈信息如下: .... To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:Improper Advertising Identifier [IDFA] Usage. Your app contains the Advertising Identifier [IDFA] API but you have n…
昨 天终于顺利把公司的App提交了,还是很开心的.这是我第一个开发超过2个月的项目,开发期间学到了很多东西,接下来的时间我会逐渐梳理一下.来个倒叙, 今天就先说下怎么提交的吧.Xcode4以后,提交过程变的简单,除了写各种应用描述以外,整个提交过程不需要半个小时. 发布App的准备工作要在itunesconnect进行,这里引导很好,一步步来就可以了.SKU 随便写,只要唯一就可以了.Bundle ID 通常是反序域名 eg. com.sinaapp.ppwithccApple ID 这个是系统…
译者:Jestery 发表时间:2010-04-24浏览量:21082评论数:0挑错数:0 了解并解决代码签名问题 (为保持跟开发环境以及APPLE开发者社区网站结构对应,一些名词未作翻译) 绝大多数iPhone Developer/Distribution 的代码签名生成错误是因为证书和Provisioning profiles没有在开发系统上正确安装引起的. .. 了解并解决代码签名问题 (为保持跟开发环境以及APPLE开发者社区网站结构对应,一些名词未作翻译) 绝大多数iPhone Dev…
最近应用因为这个问题被拒两次,理由如下: PLA 3.3.12We found your app uses the iOS Advertising Identifier but does not include ad functionality. This does not comply with the terms of the  iOS Developer Program License Agreement , as required by the  App Store Review Gui…
1.最近提交app时候遇到如下问题,解决方案: Everything has come to its usual state now. Simply upload your binary as you've been doing this while, and broadly classify IDFA in two categories: publisher: You use third-party ad-networks library to display ad. Choose the 1…
相信很多人被苹果拒绝过 : 您的 App 正在使用广告标识符 (IDFA).您必须先提供关于 IDFA 的使用信息或将其从 App 中移除,然后再上传您的二进制文件. 那么如何查看app里哪里用到IDFA呢? 很简单.打开终端,cd到工程目录,执行grep -r advertisingIdentifier . (注意:后面包含个点)看下运行结果 Binary file ./Pods/MOBFoundation_IDFA/MOBFoundation.framework/MOBFoundation…