In computer science, digital image processing is the use of computer algorithms to perform image processing on digital images.[1] As a subcategory or field of digital signal processing, digital image processing has many advantages over analog image p… <!-- Page Content --> <div class="container"> <div class="row" style="margin-top: 80px; margin-bottom: 40px;"> <h3 style="text-a…
发现其实有关gcd的题目还是挺多的,这里根据做题顺序写出8题. [bzoj2818: Gcd] gcd(x,y)=质数, 1<=x,y<=n的对数 做这题的时候,懂得了一个非常重要的转化:求(x, y) = k, 1 <= x, y <= n的对数等于求(x, y) = 1, 1 <= x, y <= n/k的对数!所以,枚举每个质数p(线性筛素数的方法见:线性时间内筛素数和欧拉函数),然后求(x, y) = 1, 1 <= x, y <= n/p的个数.…
题链: 题解: 一个带有容斥思想的递推.%%% 首先,对于一个点 (x,y) 在路径 (0,0)->(x,y)上,经过的点数为 GCD(x,y)-1所以改点的贡献为 2*GCD(x,y)-1            N    M那么,ANS = ∑    ∑(2*GCD(i,j)-1)           i=1 j=1显然超时.考虑到 GCD<=100000,那么是否可以求出 f[i] 表…
In the Java community there's been a rush of lightweight containers that help to assemble components from different projects into a cohesive application. Underlying these containers is a common pattern to how they perform the wiring, a concept they r…
前言 Contour 是一款比较优秀的编剧辅助软件,按理说这篇文章应该归类到mac小记中,但其操作非常简单,基本上以写作提示为主.只怪所有提示都是英语,而且很多,每次使用打开 Contour 个别单词都要重新查字典,于是决心花点时间整理和背诵,既学了单词又学了编剧,一举多得. Ideas && Guide 其实在 Contour 中有一点比较遗憾,类别名都是英语,而且不可更改,这在创作主体是中文的情况下有点别扭.先说Ideas吧, 这可以说是一个灵感库,经常想忘记的单词是:Concept…
原文地址: n the Java community there's been a rush of lightweight containers that help to assemble components from different projects into a cohesive application. Underlying these containers is a common pat…
Paper [1]: White-box neural network attack, adversaries have full access to the model. Using Gradient Descent going back to update the input so that reconstructing the original training data. About black-box attack, they mentioned using numeric gradi…
一.笔记1.C++编程简介 2.头文件与类的声明 防卫式声明#ifndef __COMPLEX__#define __COMPLEX__ …… #endif头文件的布局模板简介template<typename T>3.构造函数 inline函数:函数若在class body内定义完成,便自动成为inline候选人 访问级别:public private被外部访问的函数设为public 构造函数complex (doble r=0,double i=0) :re(r),im(i){ }先初始化…