I really enjoyed this talk, optimistic and helpful. May I offer a small but perhaps helpful bit of knowledge that may help prevent some forms of blindness, cataracts and eye damage. There is a link between cataracts and sorbitol. Too much sorbitol tr…
ElasticSearch 2 (25) - 语言处理系列之同义词 摘要 词干提取有助于通过简化屈折词到它们词根的形式来扩展搜索的范围,而同义词是通过关联概念和想法来扩展搜索范围的.或许没有文档能与查询 "English queen" 相匹配,但是包含 "British monarch" 的文档会很可能被认为是一个好的匹配. 用户搜索 "the US" 可能期望找到文档包含 United States.USA.U.S.A..America 或 t…
As the head of the entertainment division of a major public-relations firm in New York, Janelle was in charge of no fewer than 15 junior publicists. She knew that she shouldn't play favorites, but she couldn't help it. Some employees were just better…
摘要: Python的ChainMap从collections模块提供用于管理多个词典作为单个的有效工具. 本文分享自华为云社区<从零开始学python | ChainMap 有效管理多个上下文>,作者: Yuchuan . 有时,当您使用多个不同的词典时,您需要将它们作为一个进行分组和管理.在其他情况下,您可以拥有多个代表不同范围或上下文的字典,并且需要将它们作为单个字典来处理,以便您可以按照给定的顺序或优先级访问底层数据.在这种情况下,你可以利用Python的的ChainMap从colle…
来自英语课的一个练习: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePY3uY1L0X0 next up I'd like to welcome Joshua to ten he's from the ANU College of Medicine biology and the environment and the title of his three-minute thesis presentation tonight is targeting the route o…
参考:登上<Cell>封面的AI医疗影像诊断系统:机器之心专访UCSD张康教授 Identifying Medical Diagnoses and Treatable Diseases by Image-Based Deep Learning 2018-2-22 Cell 读<Identifying Medical Diagnoses and Treatable Diseases by Image-Based Deep Learning> 没有问题就无法学习: 1. 文中的数据规模…
Abstract This paper presents a fundus image analysis based computer aided system for automatic classification and grading of cataract, which provides great potentials to reduce the burden of well-experienced ophthalmologists (the scarce resources) an…
Newly formed blood vessels may contribute to eye disease: studyA study of Northwestern University (NU) found that blood proteins linked to macular degeneration crossed the blood-ocular barrier of new blood vessels in mouse models.This indicated that…
目录 1.混合测序基础 2. 点突变检测 3. BSA 4. BSR 5. 混合样本GWAS分析 6. 混合样本驯化研究 7. 小结 1.混合测序基础 测序成本虽然下降了,但对于植物育种应用研究来说还是很高,动不动就上百群体,小小植物个体价值又低,测完了很可能后面就用不到了.这时,混合样本测序是一种省钱的好办法. 混池测序(Pool-seq)相对于GWAS或其他精细定位策略而言,其实是一个初定位产品,其结果很有可能是跟性状相关的候选区域. 概念: 混合样本测序一般是选择表型极端或目标性状差异的个…
When Becky Evans started studying cat-human relationships, she kept hearing, over and over again, about how cats are psychopaths.On one hand, anyone who has looked into the curiously blank face of a catloaf knows exactly what that means. But also, ex…