a_file=$1 a_step=$2 b_file=$3 b_step=$4 a_start=1 let a_end=$a_start+$a_step b_start=1 let b_end=$b_start+$b_step a_lines=$(wc -l $a_file | awk '{print $1}') b_lines=$(wc -l $b_file | awk '{print $1}') while true do awk "NR >= $a_start &&…
Below is the example to write file on client in Oracle Forms 10g with webutil library package.Note:  Webutil library must be attached to the form.DECLAREv_dir VARCHAR2(250) := 'c:\temp';ft_tempfile CLIENT_TEXT_IO.FILE_TYPE;beginft_tempfile := CLIENT_…
Access text files using SQL statements by DB Query Analyzer Ma Gen feng (Guangdong Unitoll Services incorporated, Guangzhou510300) Abstract   Is it a dream that you can access text files using SQL statements? But now, it is true that DB Query Analyze…
Question Does anyone know the fastest way to read large text files (10Mb) into a string.Readln is just too slow.   Answer 1 You may try this: function R(const FileName: string): string; var M: TFileStream; begin M := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOp…
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text_file https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/文本文件…
vi. To input the ^M character, press Ctrl-v , and then press Enter or return . In vim, use :set ff=unix to convert to Unix; use :set ff=dos to convert to Windows.…
  Counting Lines, Words, and Characters with wc   When working with text files, you sometimes get a large amount of output. Before deciding which approach works best in a specific case, you might want to have an idea about the amount of text you are…
Most MySQL programs can read startup option files(sometimes called configuration files). Option files provide a convenient way to specify commonly used option so that they need not be entered on the command line each time you run a program. Note A My…
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-the-awk-language-to-manipulate-text-in-linux Introduction Linux utilities often follow the Unix philosophy of design. Tools are encouraged to be small, use plain text files for input and out…
Sublime Text is an awesome text editor. If you’ve never heard of it, you should check it out right now. I’ve made this tutorial because there’s no installer for the Linux versions of Sublime Text. While that’s not a real problem, I feel there is a cl…
1. Ensure your site or shared folder in one Content Source. 2. Add file types. 3. The second step in getting the file extensions recognised is to add it to the registry entries the SharePoint Server Search service reads when it starts up. This key is…
一个文件被打开,也可能没有文件描述符,比如current working diretories,memory mapped files and executable text files ;losf可以查岀某个进程打开的文件数目: root@GitLab ~]# sh sh- rpcbind rpc cwd DIR , / rpcbind rpc rtd DIR , / rpcbind rpc txt REG , /sbin/rpcbind rpcbind rpc mem REG , /lib6…
Nearly all of the interesting files for users live under the data directory. The data directory is ~/.config/sublime-text-3 for Linux The Package Directory is located under the data directory. All resources for supported programming and markup langua…
Java NIO Path接口和Files类配合操作文件 @author ixenos Path接口 1.Path表示的是一个目录名序列,其后还可以跟着一个文件名,路径中第一个部件是根部件时就是绝对路径,例如 / 或 C:\ ,而允许访问的根部件取决于文件系统: 2.以根部件开始的路径是绝对路径,否则就是相对路径: 3.静态的Paths.get方法接受一个或多个字符串,字符串之间自动使用默认文件系统的路径分隔符连接起来(Unix是 /,Windows是 \ ),这就解决了跨平台的问题,接着解析连…
Ascii vs. Binary Files Introduction Most people classify files in two categories: binary files and ASCII (text) files. You've actually worked with both. Any program you write (C/C++/Perl/HTML) is almost surely an ASCII file. An ASCII file is defined…
设置Sublime Text新标签页tab打开文件.Sublime Text Files not opening a new tab?每次打开文件,Sublime Text总是把当前的tab打开的文件冲掉,很麻烦,下面就解决这个问题,让他每次打开文件都新开一个tab标签页. 1.加上这个配置:"preview_on_click": false, 2.如何加这个配置:菜单栏-Preferences-Settings User,点击后,在出现的编辑器里,加入上面的配置即可.如图: 3.设置…
http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/feature_extraction.html 4.2节内容太多,因此将文本特征提取单独作为一块. 1.the bag of words representation 将raw data表示成长度固定的数字特征向量,scikit-learn提供了三个方式: tokenizing:给每个token(字.词.粒度自己把握)一个整数索引id counting:每一个token在每一个文档中出现的次数 normalizing:…
pycharm远程链接centos7开发过程中突然遇到“Too many open files”. 几点记录: 1. 命令:ulimit -n 查看系统配置,其中的 表示每个进程最多能打开8192个文件句柄(是句柄数,socket连接也算在里面).如果单个进程打开的文件句柄数量超过了系统定义的值,就会提到“too many files open”的错误提示. 2.  cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max 查看系统允许打开的文件句柄的最大数量. 3. cat /proc/sys/fs…
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+LZO LanguageManual LZO     Skip to end of metadata   Created by Lefty Leverenz, last modified on Sep 19, 2017 Go to start of metadata   LZO Compression LZO Compression General LZO Concep…
1.0 Overview and history    ------------------------ fio was originally written to save me the hassle of writing special test case programs when I wanted to test a specific workload, either for performance reasons or to find/reproduce a bug. The proc…
Introduction Log files are files that contain messages about the system, including the kernel, services, and applications running on it. There are different log files for different information. For example, there is a default system log file, a log f…
行结束符和空白选项 在项目的生命周期中,有时可能会将行结束符由 CRLF 改为 LF,或者修改一段代码的缩进.不幸的是这样将会使大量的代码行被标记为已修改,尽管代码本身并没有被修改.这里列出的选项将会在比较差异 和应用补丁时帮助你应对这些修改.你将会在合并和追溯对话框中看到这些设置,它们同样也出现在TortoiseMerge 的设置中. 忽略行结束符 排除仅行结束符的差异. 比较空白 将所有缩进和行内空白差异视为增加/删除的行. 忽略空白修改 排除那些完全是针对空白数量或类型的修改,例如,修改缩…
命令说明 $ type cmd # 获取命令类型 $ which cmd # 命令的位置 $ help cmd / cmd --help / man cmd # 获取命令帮助 $ whatis cmd # 命令描述信息 Linux – filesystem path notation Notation Desc / the root directory . the current working directory .. the parent directory (i.e. one direct…
准备引入layui.css文件的,在LayuiAssets类中已经配置了资源属性 <?php namespace frontend\assets; use yii\web\AssetBundle; class LayuiAsset extends AssetBundle { public $sourcePath = "@frontend/assets/app"; public $js = [ 'layer.js', 'layui.js', ]; public $css = [ '…
会话对象¶ 会话对象让你能够跨请求保持某些参数.它也会在同一个 Session 实例发出的所有请求之间保持 cookie, 期间使用 urllib3 的 connection pooling 功能.所以如果你向同一主机发送多个请求,底层的 TCP 连接将会被重用,从而带来显著的性能提升. (参见 HTTP persistent connection). 会话对象具有主要的 Requests API 的所有方法. 我们来跨请求保持一些 cookie: s = requests.Session()…
Name ipsec.conf - IPsec configuration and connections Description The optional ipsec.conf file specifies most configuration and control information for the Openswan IPsec subsystem. (The major exception is secrets for authentication; seeipsec.secrets…
本系列有五篇:分别是 [一]Ubuntu14.04+Jekyll+Github Pages搭建静态博客:主要是安装方面 [二]jekyll 的使用 :主要是jekyll的配置 [三]Markdown+jekyll在Gitpages上写blog的常用操作 :主要Markdown的使用 [四]搭建Markdown的编辑器 [五]将博客从jekyll迁移到了hexo         以下关于Jekyll的使用说明参考 Jekyll 官方文档 和博客[jekyll 官网文档部分翻译],Jekyll的安装…
SharpFileDB - a file database for small apps 本文中文版在此处. I'm not an expert of database. Please feel free to corect my mistakes. This article (http://www.cnblogs.com/gaochundong/archive/2013/04/24/csharp_file_database.html) helpes a lot. Thank you! 目标(G…
从表面上来看,Stream代表一连串无穷数据元素.一连串的意思是元素有固定的排列顺序,所以对元素的运算也必须按照顺序来:完成了前面的运算再跟着进行下一个元素的运算.这样来看,Stream应该不是很好的并行运算工具.但是,fs2所支持的并行运算方式不是以数据元素而是以Stream为运算单位的:fs2支持多个Stream同时进行运算,如merge函数.所以fs2使Stream的并行运算成为了可能. 一般来说,我们可能在Stream的几个状态节点要求并行运算: 1.同时运算多个数据源头来产生不排序的…
我的vimrc https://github.com/juandx/vimrc 当然得装vundle git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim 注意看到set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim ,把~换成自己的home目录,比如我的/home/wenbin/ 尼玛,感觉下面这个直接copy会有问题...这是博客园的问题么...我传到github了,实验过是…