Choosing a Rendering Path 选择渲染路径 Unity supports a number of rendering techniques, or ‘paths’. An important early decision which needs to be made when starting a project is which path to use. Unity’s default is 'Forward Rendering”. Unity支持许多渲染技术或“路径…
  Choosing a Color Space 选择色彩空间 In addition to selecting a rendering path, it’s important to choose a ‘Color Space’ before lighting your project. Color Space determines the maths used by Unity when mixing colors in lighting calculations or reading va…
"MADFINGER/Environment/Unlit (Supports Lightmap)"是 ShadowGun 示例中最简单的 shader 了,如下: // Unlit shader. Simplest possible textured shader. // - SUPPORTS lightmap // - no lighting // - no per-material color Shader "MADFINGER/Environment/Unlit (Su…
简述 Unity supports different Rendering Paths. You should choose which one you use depending on your game content and target platform / hardware. Different rendering paths have different performance characteristics that mostly affect Lights and Shadows…
  Choosing a Lighting Technique 选择照明技术   Broadly speaking, lighting in Unity can be considered as either ‘realtime’ or ‘precomputed’ in some way and bot…
Rendering Path:渲染路径 设置:1.Player Setting,2.Camera(会覆盖PlayerSetting中的设置) 选择:根据渲染内容和目标平台来选择合适的Rendering Path,当一个GPU不能处理Deferred Lighting时,会自动切换到Forward Lighting,当Forward Lighting不支持时,会自动切换到Vertexx Lig. (1)Vertex Lit: 最低真实度但也是最快的的渲染路径,不支持realtime shadows…
  关于<Thinking in Unity3D> 笔者在研究和使用Unity3D的过程中,获得了一些Unity3D方面的信息,同时也感叹Unity3D设计之精妙.不得不说,笔者最近几年的引擎研发工作中,早已习惯性的从Unity3D中寻找解决方案. Unity3D虽比不上UE那么老练沉稳,气势磅礴.也比不上CE那样炫丽多姿,盛气凌人.但它的发展势如破竹,早已遍地生花!故而在此记录一些自己的心得体会,供大家参详交流.若有欠妥之处,还望各位及时指正.   Thinking in Unity3D由一…
Unity支持不同的渲染路径.应具体取决于你的游戏内容和目标平台/硬件来选择使用哪一个.不同的渲染路径有不同的特点和性能特点,主要影响灯光和阴影.        项目所使用的渲染路径在Player Settings选择.此外,可以为每个摄像机重写(不同摄像机可以是不同的设置).如果图形卡不能处理选定的渲染路径,Unity将自动使用一个较低保真度的设置.因此,在GPU上不能处理延迟照明(Deferred Lighting),将使用正向渲染(Forward Rendering).如果不支持正向渲染(…
Unity的摄像机上支持3种RenderingPath,分别是VertexLit,Forward和Dferred Lighting,而shader中的LightMode标签Vertex,ForwardBase,forwardAdd,PrepassBase,PrepassFinal等,分别表示当前pass是为哪一个RenderingPath下设计使用的. 下面的shader中LightMode有三种模式,分别为Vertex, ForwardBase, deferred,它们输出的颜色分别为蓝,绿,…
unity5 的render path ,比4的区别就是使用的新的deferred rendering,之前的4的deferred rendering(其实是light prepass)也被保留了下来. Legacy Deferred Lighting Rendering Path(light prepass) 老 旧的Deferred Rendering Path,使用了light prepass渲染.因为它是老旧的(unity5之前的Deferred Lighting,但是unity5还留着…