今天遇到一个非常难以排查的BUG,谷歌度娘都问过了依旧无解,最后自己重新尝试之后找到解决方案: 先看一下报错信息: 1>.\lenz.cpp(2197) error C2679: binary '<<' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'std::string' (or there is no acceptable conversion) 1> D:\Program Files\VC\inc…
http://everythingmysql.ning.com/profiles/blogs/data-type-confusion-what-is-an Over and over I see customers that don't understand what int(11) really means. Their confusion is understandable. Many know what defining a char(10) means (a fixed-sized ch…
要对vector中的自定义类型进行排序,首先需要提供一个函数bool comp(const Interval & a, const Interval & b) 来定义类型的排序准则 然后调用std::sort(intervals.begin(),intervals.end(),comp) 写了几个小的测试用例也都通过了,但是当集成在类中的时候编译遇到问题, Line 30: no matching function for call to 'sort(std::vector<Int…