RecSys Challenge 2015】的更多相关文章

[The Task] Given a sequence of click events performed by some user during a typical session in an e-commerce website, the goal is to predict whether the user is going to buy something or not, and if he is buying, what would be the items he is going t…
Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2015 (ILSVRC2015) Legend: Yellow background = winner in this task according to this metric; authors are willing to reveal the method White background = authors are willing to reveal the method Grey background…
随便瞎写,其实没做出多少题: Chef and Cake 题目大概是用输入的数生成 一个数组并且生成出q个[X,Y]的询问, 数组长度N<=1000000,q<=10^7; 开始用线段树,RMQ,分块能切过去,但是线段树RE,RMQ re ,分块最多40分. 但是一直忽视了区间询问的[X Y]  K<=Y-X+1<=2K; K是给定的数. 然后是利用一些思想. 比如 我们每次求出DP[X]    ----------> 表示 I  in[X,X+K-1] 范围 min(A[i…
原文: Display Advertising Challenge ---------2015/1/12 一:背景 CriteoLabs 2014年7月份在kaggle上发起了一次关于展示广告点击率的预估比赛.CriteoLabs是第三方展示广告的佼佼者,所以这次比赛吸引了很多团队来参赛和体验数据. 二:评估指标 比赛采用的评价指标是LoglLoss: 至于离线评估为何更倾向采用lo…
转自: Awesome - Most Cited Deep Learning Papers A curated list of the most cited deep learning papers (since 2010) I believe that there exist classic deep learning papers which are worth reading re…  //RNN and LSTM //saliency Predection…
Natural Language Processing Tasks and Selected References I've been working on several natural language processing tasks for a long time. One day, I felt like drawing a map of the NLP field where I earn a living. I'm sure I'm not the only person who… January 2018 Release of the "One Million Playlists" dataset The data can be downloaded from Early March 2018 RecSys Challenge starts. Submission system will be available f…
题目描述 原题来自:CODECHEF September Challenge 2015 REBXOR 1​​≤r​1​​<l​2​​≤r​2​​≤N,x⨁yx\bigoplus yx⨁y 表示 xxx 和 yyy 的按位异或. 输入格式 输出格式 输出一行包含给定表达式可能的最大值. 样例 数据范围与提示 5​​,0≤A​i​​≤10​9​​. 题解 首先记录异或前缀和$s[i]=a[1]⊕a[2]⊕a[3] ...⊕a[i]$. 设$l[i]$为以$i$结尾的区间中,异或值的最大值. 因为异或…
目录 故事背景 U-Net 具体结构 损失 数据扩充 发表在2015 MICCAI.原本是一篇医学图像分割的论文,但由于U-Net杰出的网络设计,得到了8k+的引用. 摘要 There is large consent that successful training of deep networks requires many thousand annotated training samples. In this paper, we present a network and trainin…