Preface How to rescue a dropped or truncated table online?Dropping or truncating is ddl operation which cannot be flashed back by the populare flashback tools like MyFlash,binlog2mysql,mysqldump_backup,etc.Therefore,the conventional method is…
公司项目启动出现报错,百度查询结果如下:链接地址 org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: Version of activiti database (5.15.1) is more recent than the engine (5.14) 启动报错,解决如下: 到数据库查看act_ge_property这个表,将5.15.1改为5.14.1…
文档操作依据来自官方网址: 闪回FAILOVER失败的物理备库的前提: 1.物理备库FAILOVER前设置db_recovery_file_dest_size足够大 2.物理备库AILOVER前设置db_recovery_file_dest路径 3.开启物理备库闪回数据库 The following steps assume that a f…