reading list】的更多相关文章

Even relatively new C programmers have no trouble reading simple C declarations such as int foo[5]; // foo is an array of 5 ints char *foo; // foo is a pointer to char double foo(); // foo is a function returning a double but as the declarations get…
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:9001/api/size/get. (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing). 打开API项目录,命名用NuGet安装Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors: 在WebApiCon…
Today I begin to learn to use Git. I learn from Pro Git. And I recommend it which is an excellent book. Some Ideas: Git is a Distributed Version Control System and it is brilliant. And we know that DDoS attack is famous and distributed as well. So, d…
最近远程连接mysql总是提示 Lost connection 很明显这是连接初始化阶段就丢失了连接的错误 其实问题很简单,都是MySQL的配置文件默认没有为远程连接配置好,只需要更改下MySQL的配置文件即可.具体的解决步骤如下:找到并修改my.cnf文件.在不同的Linux系统下,my.cnf放在不同的位置.这里以Ubuntu Server做示例,其他系统请根据情况自行找到my.cnf的路径.一般只会存放在/etc/my.cnf或者/etc/mysql/my.cnf下.首先用vim打开my.…
Weilin Huang--[AAAI2016]Reading Scene Text in Deep Convolutional Sequences 目录 作者和相关链接 方法概括 创新点和贡献 方法细节 实验结果 问题讨论 总结与收获点 参考文献 作者和相关链接 论文下载 黄伟林主页 , 乔宇,汤晓欧 所有作者 方法概括 解决问题:单词识别 主要流程:maxout版的CNN提取特征,RNN(LSTM)进行分类,CTC对结果进行调整.整个流程端到端训练和测试,和白翔的CRNN(参考文献1)方法几…
Flesch Reading Ease Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Description Flesch Reading Ease, a readability test named after its deviser Rudolf Flesch, is among most ubiquitously used readability tests, which are principally employed for assessment of…
今天在开发过程中,一个单位跑的好好的项目,在家中的Mac下运行时,遇到了下面这个错误:   "Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet, system error: 61"   看错误描述应该是无法连接数据库,OK,我先检查数据库是否正常工作,phpmyadmin看了一下一切正常.   看了一下数据库配置:hostname 使用的是,看了一下网上的解决方案,大多是…
Memory, is a complex module in Programing, especially on Windows. This time, I use cpp with win windows api{ VirtualQueryEx();         //Get the available memory page(block) ReadProcessMemory();  //Read the specific memory LookupPrivilegeValue(); //G…
当执行service nagios start启动nagios时,报错:Error: Cannot open main configuration file '//start' for reading! 此问题是修改了nagios安装源文件导致的报错.如报此问题,请执行如下命令,便可解决: /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 -d -o root -g root /etc/rc.d/init.d /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 -o root -g roo…
初次接触spring mvc,想做一个小的练习项目,结果在ftl文件中引用其它的共通ftl文件时出错.…