昨天刚刚升的Xcode7.3和iOS9.3,然后没怎么使用这两样就下班了,但是今天早上来了之后,就发现突然之间不能真机测试和运行代码了,一看才发现xcode报错: An App ID with Identifier 'com.XXX.XXX’ is not available. Please enter a different string. 本来以为是证书问题,然后把证书删除,重新加载一遍还是不行,没办法,就求助了度娘.. 功夫不负有心人,再找了一个个方法还有看了stack好多之后,终于找到…
1. Error: An App ID with identifier "*" is not avaliable. Please enter a different string. 错误原因是这个bundle ID已经被别人提前占用了,bundle ID必须是唯一的.解决办法当然是修改你的bundle ID 了. 高级iOS交流群,只交流技术,不闲聊,不发与技术无关的图.群号:45992174…
免费开发者证书真机调试App ID失效问题:"Unable to add App ID because the '10' App ID limit in '7' days has been exceeded."解决方案总结. 前言 今天(4月29日),笔者在做免费开发者证书真机调试的时候.发现如下问题: 问题: Unable to add App ID because the '10' App ID limit in '7' days has been exceeded. Unable…
Unable to add App ID because the '10' App ID limit in '7' days has been exceeded. 官方的原因是对bundle identifier进行限制,避免申请太多的bundle identifier. 解决方法:将bundle identifier替换成已经可以使用的bundle identifier即可…
Error: An App ID with identifier "*****" is not avaliable. Please enter a different string. 错误原因是这个bundle ID已经被别人提前占用了.这种错误一般发生在你运行别人的项目. 解决办法当然是修改你的bundle ID 了,修改bundle ID 会遇到一大堆问题,具体可参看这篇文章: http://blog.csdn.net/soindy/article/details/47184933…
Error: An App ID with identifier "*****" is not avaliable. Please enter a different string. 错误原因是这个bundle ID已经被别人提前占用了.这种错误一般发生在你运行别人的项目. 解决办法当然是修改你的bundle ID了,虽然修改bundle ID会遇到一大堆问题.…
百度上这帮人,真的服了,没有一个人能解决问题,最后在 stackoverflow 上找到解决方法 The Application ID Name should be same as application bundle identifier, if you application bundle identifier is com.abc.xyz than the application ID name for this bundle ID should be XC com abc xyz A n…
Install Download the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) ZIP file to your local drive and unzip it. Because Web AppBuilder runs on top of Node.js, you must have Node.js installed on your computer. The download package contains the Windows…
windows phone 官网应用商店地址 http://www.windowsphone.com/zh-cn/store/featured-apps----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Application In…