题目: There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)). Subscribe to see which companies asked this question 解题思路: 我自己想的方法,先排序在查找.…
Level:   Hard 题目描述: There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)). You may assume nums1 and nums2 cannot be both empty. Examp…
题目 There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively. Find the midian of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log(m+n)). You may assume nums1 and nums2 cannot be both empty. Example1:   nums1 = [1,…
要求:Median of Two Sorted Arrays (求两个排序数组的中位数) 分析:1. 两个数组含有的数字总数为偶数或奇数两种情况.2. 有数组可能为空. 解决方法: 1.排序法 时间复杂度O(m+n),空间复杂度 O(m+n) 归并排序到一个新的数组,求出中位数. 代码: class Solution { public: double findMedianSortedArrays(int A[], int m, int B[], int n) { int *C = new int…
题目:给定两个排序数组,求两个排序数组的中位数,要求时间复杂度为O(log(m+n)) 举例: Example 1: nums1 = [1, 3] nums2 = [2] The median is 2.0 Example 2: nums1 = [1, 2] nums2 = [3, 4] The median is (2 + 3)/2 = 2.5 解题思路: 1. 假设nums1.length = m, nums2.length = n; m < n;2. 若(m + n) % 2 == 0,…
Hard! 题目描述: 有两个大小为 m 和 n 的排序数组 nums1 和 nums2 . 请找出两个排序数组的中位数并且总的运行时间复杂度为 O(log (m+n)) . 示例 1: nums1 = [1, 3] nums2 = [2] 中位数是 2.0 示例 2: nums1 = [1, 2] nums2 = [3, 4] 中位数是 (2 + 3)/2 = 2.5 解题思路: 这道题让我们求两个有序数组的中位数,而且限制了时间复杂度为O(log (m+n)),看到这个时间复杂度,自然而然的…
4. 两个排序数组的中位数 问题描述 There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively.Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)). Example 1: nums1 = [1, 3] nums2 = [2] The median is 2.0 Exam…
链接:https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/median-of-two-sorted-arrays/description/ 有两个大小为 m 和 n 的排序数组 nums1 和 nums2 . 请找出两个排序数组的中位数并且总的运行时间复杂度为 O(log (m+n)) . 示例 1: nums1 = [, ] nums2 = [] 中位数是 2.0 示例 2: nums1 = [, ] nums2 = [, ] 中位数是 (2 + 3)/2 = 2.5 分析 这道…
本文实例讲述了JavaScript排序代码实现获取两个排序数组的中位数算法.分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 题目 给定两个大小为 m 和 n 的有序数组 nums1 和 nums2 . 请找出这两个有序数组的中位数.要求算法的时间复杂度为 O(log (m+n)) . 你可以假设 nums1 和 nums2 不同时为空. 示例 1: nums1 = [1, 3]nums2 = [2] 中位数是 2.0 示例 2: nums1 = [1, 2]nums2 = [3, 4] 中位数是 (2 + 3…
题目难度:hard There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)). Example 1: nums1 = [1, 3] nums2 = [2] The median is 2.0 Example 2: n…