using System.Windows; namespace DependencyPropertyDemo1 { public class Student:DependencyObject { public static readonly DependencyProperty NameProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Name",typeof(string),typeof(Student)); // Using a DependencyP…
WPF中依赖属性的值是是可以设置为可继承(Inherits)的,这种模式下,父节点的依赖属性会将其值传递给子节点.例如,数据绑定中经常使用的DataContextProperty: var host = new ContentControl(); var button = new Button(); host.Content = button; host.DataContext = Guid.NewGuid(); Contract.Assert(object.Equals(ho…
使用依赖属性自定义控件,依赖属性必须定义在自定义控件中,不能定义在其他文件中 一.先实现一个类继承你要复写的类 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Inpu…
Introduction When you begin to develop appliations with WPF, you will soon stumble across DependencyProperties. They look quite similar to normal .NET properties, but the concept behind is much more complex and powerful. The main difference is, that…
控件cs文件 using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; using System.Windows.Markup; using System.Windows.Media; namespace Controls { [TemplatePart(Name = "PART_DropDown"…
依赖属性 ".NET properties are nothing more than syntactic sugar over set and get methods." 我们知道.NET的属性只不过是get/set方法的语法糖衣. "Dependency properties are the workhorse of WPF. This infrastructure provides for many of WPF's features, such as data bin…
在这里讨论依赖属性实现原理,目的只是学习WPF是怎么设计依赖属性的,同时更好的使用依赖属性. 首先我们来思考一个简单的问题:我们希望能验证属性的值是否有效,属性变更时进行自己的处理.回顾一下.net的处理方式 Public Class MyClass{ private int index; Public int Index{ get{ return index; } set{ if(属性变更时){ //有效性检查 //处理或激发事件通知外部处理 } } }} 现在,我们希望设计一套属性系统,能验…