Buck regulators find wide application as step-down regulators for converting large positive input voltages into a smaller positive output voltages. Figure 1 shows a simplified buck regulator that operates in continuous-conduction mode—that is, the in…
Cs5171: Tracking Boost Regulator Adding a current mirror circuit to a typical boost circuit allows the user to select the amount of boost voltage and ensure a constant difference between input and output voltage.   This is useful for high side drive…
The SEPIC (single-ended, primary-inductance-converter) topology is generally a good choice for voltage regulators that must produce an on output voltage that falls in the middle of the input-voltage range, such as a 5V output from a 2.7 to 6V input,…
Targeting use in portable-system applications that require raising a battery's voltage to a higher level, IC boost regulators often include output transistors that can drive storage inductors. However, most boost regulators' absolute-maximum input-vo…
首先对于我这种电源方面的小白来说 关于电源用的最多的就是线性稳压了 开关类的如  TI 的TPS系列  我是只知道应用电路而不知道具体原理的 但是长此以往也不是个办法 于是今天就带打家详细的来讲一下  BUCK BOOST电路的原理 先挂几个连接: 比较粗略的BUCK/BOOST电路的分析 http://tech.hqew.com/fangan_522451 http://blog.csdn.net/u011388550/article/details/23841023 这个还是不错的 http…
一.MOSFET 简介: 金属-氧化物半导体场效应晶体管,简称金氧半场效晶体管(Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor, MOSFET)是一种可以广泛使用在模拟电路与数字电路的场效晶体管(field-effect transistor).MOSFET依照其"通道"(工作载流子)的极性不同,可分为"N型"与"P型" 的两种类型,通常又称为NMOSFET与PMOSFET,其他简称尚包括NMO…
It's a Buck; It's a Boost, No! It's a Switcher! Sanjaya Maniktala, National Semiconductor Corp., Santa Clara, CA We like to give everything a name or label very quickly. We probably feel we can then easily identify the object in the future, and also…
http://www.powerguru.org/changing-the-output-voltage-of-a-switching-regulator-on-the-fly/ There are many different ways to change the output voltage Applications that require the output voltage of a power supply to change dynamically come from a wide…
http://learn.adafruit.com/ice-tube-clock-kit/design Tubes such as VFDs, Nixies, Decatrons, etc require high voltage to light the gas in the tube. For nixies, this iabout 170VDC. VFDs aren't as bad they only need about 30-50VDC. In order to reduce cos…
The circuit in Figure 1 delivers programming voltages to an EEPROM under the control of an external DAC (not shown). You can replace the DAC with a potentiometer to create a general-purpose power supply operating from 12V and able to deliver a variab…