Or, “Avoiding Memory Leaks in Managed Composition” Understanding lifetime can be pretty tough when you’re new to IoC. Even long-time users express vague fears and misgivings when it comes to this subject, and disconcerting issues – components not bei…
During application execution, you’ll need to make use of the components you registered. You do this by resolving them from a lifetime scope. The container itself is a lifetime scope, and you can technically just resolve things right from the containe…
Nick Blumhardt’s Autofac lifetime primer 是一个学习Autofac Scope和Lifetime的好地方.这里有很多未理解的,混淆的概念,因此我们将尝试在这里完善它. 你可能还记得 注册服务的主题,你添加服务实例的组件到容器中,然后通过resovle方法获取服务实例来执行操作. Lifetime:是应用程序中的服务实例,从被初始化到被释放的整个过程.例如:…
Recently I’ve found out that we can easily cause a memory leaks in our .net application by improper usage of the dependency injection container Autofac. The case of this problem concerns only components that implements IDisposable interface, so are m…
https://autofaccn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/best-practices/ Autofac is designed to track and dispose of resources for you. To ensure this happens, make sure that long-running applications are partitioned into units of work (requests or transactions) a…
using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Security; using System.Web; using Autofac; using Autofac.Integration.Owin; namespace Owin { /// <summary> /// Extension methods for configuring the OWIN p…
Currently, in the both the Web API and MVC frameworks, dependency injection support does not come into play until after the OWIN pipeline has started executing. This is simply a result of the OWIN support being added to both frameworks after their in…