Boxes in a Line You have n boxes in a line on the table numbered 1 . . . n from left to right. Your task is to simulate 4 kinds of commands: • 1 X Y : move box X to the left to Y (ignore this if X is already the left of Y ) • 2 X Y : move box X to th…
题意:对于一行按照顺序排列盒子数字与位置都为 1,2,3,4....n 执行四种操作 c = 1 x 放到 y 的左边 c =2 x 放到 y 的右边 c =3 交换 x, y c =4 颠倒链 最后求出奇数位置的数的总和 题解:直接维护无论如何每次每次都需要维护一段区间的位置,因此不去看位置.只需要知道每个盒子左边是哪个盒子右边是哪个盒子 这样就直接使用双向链表维护,接着颠倒时注意只是标记就好 最后注意几个细节: 首先颠倒后1与2的交换需要互换: 维护链表时可以提取出一个函数,每…
12657 - Boxes in a Line You have n boxes in a line on the table numbered 1 . . . n from left to right. Your task is to simulate 4kinds of commands:• 1 X Y : move box X to the left to Y (ignore this if X is already the left of Y )• 2 X Y : move box X…
You have n boxes in a line on the table numbered 1...n from left to right. Your task is to simulate 4 kinds of commands: • 1 X Y : move box X to the left to Y (ignore this if X is already the left of Y ) • 2 X Y : move box X to the right to Y (igno…
Boxes in a Line You have n boxes in a line on the table numbered 1 . . . n from left to right. Your task is to simulate 4 kinds of commands: ? 1 X Y : move box X to the left to Y (ignore this if X is already the left of Y ) ? 2 X Y : move box X to th…
You have n boxes in a line on the table numbered 1 . . . n from left to right. Your task is to simulate 4kinds of commands: • 1 X Y : move box X to the left to Y (ignore this if X is already the left of Y ) • 2 X Y : move box X to the right to Y (i…
省赛B题....手写链表..其实很简单的.... 比赛时太急了,各种手残....没搞出来....要不然就有金了...注:对相邻的元素需要特判..... Problem B Boxes in a Line You have n boxes in a line on the table numbered 1~n from left to right. Your task is to simulate 4 kinds of commands: 1 X Y: move box X to the lef…
编写了一个遍历一个目录下所有的文件及文件夹,然后计算每个文件的字符和line的小程序,先把程序贴出来. #coding=utf-8 ''' Created on 2014年7月14日 @author: Administrator ''' import os import os.path rootdir =r'c:\python27\jiaoben' filefullnames=[] def traverse(rootdir,filefullnames): for parent,dirnames,…
You have n boxes in a line on the table numbered 1 . . . n from left to right. Your task is to simulate 4 kinds of commands: • 1 X Y : move box X to the left to Y (ignore this if X is already the left of Y ) • 2 X Y : move box X to the right to Y (ig…
写在前面 本文翻译自 Android Studio Tips by Philippe Breault,一共收集了62个 Android Studio 使用小技巧和快捷键. 根据这些小技巧的使用场景,本文将这62个小技巧分为常用技巧(1 – 28).编码技巧(29 – 49)和调试技巧(50 – 62),分成三个部分. 每个小技巧都配有 gif 动图,由于原图在 google photo 上,加载较慢,本文全部转存到七牛上了. 由于能力有限,翻译过程中难免有所疏漏,如发现错误或问题,请在评论中提出…