
1. What is Oracle R12.2 R12.2 Definition Architecture Advantages of R12.2 Limitations of R12.2 What Benefit Business users will get from R12.2 2. Difference between R12.1 and R12.2 Architecture Architectural difference between R12.1 and R12.2 Advanta…
php中的_ _call()方法? 它是php5后为对象 类 新增的一个自动方法. 它会监视类的其他方法的调用, 当调用类的不存在的方法时, 会自动调用类的__call方法. tp的 "命名范围调用"就是使用的 __call机制.如$User->scope_name()->select(); 它带两个参数,第一个是 调用的不存在方法的名称$funcName, 第二个参数是 由不存在方法的参数 组成的一个数组$args. **特别注意的是, __call要定义为 public…
The links to download the material for the course Introduction To Calculus are provided in the following (Please do not use it for commercial reason): Syllabus Review of High School Mathematics Textbook for Calculus Exercises 1-8…
转自: Deep Learning Resources Posted on May 13, 2015   Videos Deep Learning and Neural Networks with Kevin Duh: course page NY Course by Yann LeCun: 2014 version, 2015 version NIPS 2015 Deep Learn…
<?php // 正确地显示复数 if(!function_exists('_plurals_format')) { /** * 正确的使用复数 * @access public * @author zhaoyingnan 2016-02-17 11:53 * @param string $sPluralName 非复数形式的名称 * @param int $iAmount 数量 * @return string * @note **/ function _plurals_format($sPl…
Welcome to Algorithms, Part I 前言 昨天在突然看到了Coursera上Robert Sedgewick讲的Algorithms,Part II看了一些,甚是爽快,所以又去注册了Algorithms,Part I,想从I开始系统的学习,关于网站,课程,人物的介绍我就不费笔了,不知道的大家可以谷歌一下.我认为这么好的东西,不去好好学习一下,实在是人生的一大缺憾,但是自己一个看看视频学习一下,貌似又没设什么意思,所以,就想分享和大家一起学习,我的想法是,起初,将本课程翻译…
ECCV-2010 Tutorial: Feature Learning for Image Classification Organizers Kai Yu (NEC Laboratories America,, Andrew Ng (Stanford University, Place & Time: Creta Maris Hotel, Crete, Greece, 9:00 – 13:00, Septem…
今天先是学习了基础的css样式 <html> <head> <title></title> <meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text/html; charset = utf-8"> <style type = "text/css"> *{ padding:; /*内填充边距为0:*/ margin:; /*外边框边距为…
今天老师教了下无序列表和有序列表,虽然并没有,同时做了个随堂练习: <html> <head> <title>随堂练习00</title> <meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text/html; charset = utf-8"> </head> <body> <h1>列表</h1> <ul>…
10 Tips for Writing the Perfect Paper Like a gourmet meal or an old master painting, the perfect college paper is carefully constructed – not thrown together the night before it’s due.   Each part is just right, and the pieces are assembled to form t…