安装软件 需要安装三个lua 库: xavante wsapi cgilua luarocks install xavante http://keplerproject.github.io/xavante/manual.html#install Xavante is a Lua HTTP 1.1 Web server that uses a modular architecture based on URI mapped handlers. Xavante currently offers a…
模拟器一启动 The process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly 今天不知道怎么回事,模拟器一启动就狂报错, 模拟器已经重新安装过了,刚开始是脸界面都进不了, 后来进去了 launcher,报了The process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly这个错. 后来我试着重建模拟器的时候起了一个我以前从来不用的名字,OK了. 估计是我以前的模拟器有程序把系统搞crash了,…
以下内容为原创,欢迎转载,转载请注明 来自天天博客:http://www.cnblogs.com/tiantianbyconan/p/5017056.html 从Launcher开始启动App流程源码分析 com.android.launcher.Launcher就是我们的Launcher页面了,可以看到Launcher其实也是一个Activity: public final class Launcher extends Activity implements View.OnClickListe…
Say we have a latest Blender extracted from the download package. We want to create a launcher for Blender so that we can start it from the Unity Dash or App Menu. Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal. When it opens, run command to create .desktop file…