问题描述: 在SharePoint 2010的文档库里选择documents标签,然后选择upload document下拉菜单,你会发现upload multiple documents那个按钮是灰色的,不能使用. 当你把鼠标放到那个按钮上悬停,会出现一条提示信息说: This control is currently disabled. You might not have the right permission level to use this, you might need to s…
最近在学习PHP 在保存文件的时候报Warning: file_put_contents(data.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /Library/WebServer/Documents/test.php on line 22错误,提示未开启权限 解决办法:在终端输入 sudo chown -R _www:_www 文件路径(例如: sudo chown -R _www:_www /Library/WebServer/Docu…
git 上down下项目后,发现Android Studio报错: What went wrong: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/raomengyang/Documents/workspace/fontmanager/.gradle/2.2.1/taskArtifacts/cache.properties (No such file or directory) > /Users/raomengyang/Documents/workspace/fon…
当安装VM(虚拟机)时,安装到一半时,提示:Error 1324. The path My Documents contains a invalid chara . 就是提示路径无效. 按下面的路径: 运行-REGEDIT- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINODWS\CURRENTVERSION\EXPLORER\USER SHELL FOLDERS 在右边的目录找到 MY PICTURES 把路径改成C:\Documents and Settin…
Speak to an experienced project manager, and they can give you a wealth of good advice on the do's and don'ts to successfully manage any project. All this advice, in a nutshell, would be about how to manage the people doing the work (that includes yo…
blog: http://blog.csdn.net/foxdave A Manager Marketing Operations invite me to review their product, LepideMigrator for Documents. It is a migration tool for contents, moving from traditional File Servers, Exchange Public Folders and Office 365 Publi…