Jump Game Given an array of non-negative integers, you are initially positioned at the first index of the array. Each element in the array represents your maximum jump length at that position. Determine if you are able to reach the last index. For ex…
The problem: Given an array of non-negative integers, you are initially positioned at the first index of the array. Each element in the array represents your maximum jump length at that position. Determine if you are able to reach the last index. For…
Question Given an array of non-negative integers, you are initially positioned at the first index of the array. Each element in the array represents your maximum jump length at that position. Your goal is to reach the last index in the minimum number…
Problem E. Jump A JumpInput file: standard inputOutput file: standard outputTime limit: 1 secondsMemory limit: 512 mebibytes There’s a very popular game called jump a jump recently.In order to get good marks, many people spend a lot oftime in this game…
1. Longest Palindromic Substring ( 最长回文子串 ) 2. Median of Two Sorted Arrays (两个排序数组的中位数) 3. Sqrt(x) 4. Single Number && Single Number (II) 5. Integer to Roman && Roman to Integer 6. 3Sum && 4Sum [ && K sum ] && 3Sum…