Euclidean Space】的更多相关文章…
论文: 本文主要贡献: 1.提出了一种新的采样策略,使网络在少数的epoch迭代中,接触百万量级的训练样本: 2.基于局部图像块匹配问题,强调度量描述子的相对距离: 3.在中间特征图上加入额外的监督: 4.描述符的紧实性. 基于CNN的局部图像块匹配方法可以分为两类:一是,作为二分类问题,不存在明确的特征描述子概念,好处是准确率相对第二类高很多,但可移植性能差:二是,CNN输出学习的图像块描述子,没有度量学习层,好处是可以作为以前的很多基于手工描述子方法应用的直接替代. A.网络框架: 左边是输… A Hilbert space is a vector space  with an inner product  such that the norm defined by turns  into a complete metric space. If the metric defined by the norm is not complete, then  is instead known as a…
Rigid Frameworks Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 337    Accepted Submission(s): 273 Problem Description Erik Demaine is a Professor in Computer Science at the Massachusetts Insti…
The geometric median of a discrete set of sample points in a Euclidean space is the point minimizing the sum of distances to the sample points. This generalizes the median, which has the property of minimizing the sum of distances for one-dimensional…
原文链接: 问题由来 在很多机器学习任务中,特征并不总是连续值,而有可能是分类值. 例如,考虑一下的三个特征: ["male", "female"] ["from Europe", "from US", "from Asia"] ["uses Firefox", "… Pixar’s OpenSubdiv V2: A detailed look By Mike Seymour September 18, 2013 Subdivision is key modeling tool that allows greater accuracy and the OpenSubdiv project aims to standardi…
主讲人 planktonli planktonli(1027753147) 19:52:28 现在我们就开始讲第四章,第四章的内容是关于 线性分类模型,主要内容有四点:1) Fisher准则的分类,以及它和最小二乘分类的关系 (Fisher分类是最小二乘分类的特例)2) 概率生成模型的分类模型3) 概率判别模型的分类模型4) 全贝叶斯概率的Laplace近似 需要注意的是,有三种形式的贝叶斯:1) 全贝叶斯2) 经验贝叶斯3) MAP贝叶斯我们大家熟知的是 MAP贝叶斯 MAP(poor man…
最近严重感觉到数学知识的不足! [译]Mathematics for Computer Graphics Mathematics for Computer Graphics数学在计算机图形学中的应用Greg Turk, August 1997 “学习计算机图形学需要多少的数学?”这是初学者最经常问的问题.答案取决于你想在计算机图形学领域钻研多深.如果仅仅使用周围唾手可得的图形软件,你不需要知…
K - Cross SpiderTime Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description The Bytean cross spider (Araneida baitoida) is known to have an amazing ability. Namely, it can instantly b…
What is an eigenvector of a covariance matrix? One of the most intuitive explanations of eigenvectors of a covariance matrix is that they are the directions in which the data varies the most. (More precisely, the first eigenvector is the direction in…
Mathematics for Computer Graphics 最近严重感觉到数学知识的不足! [译]Mathematics for Computer Graphics Mathematics for Computer Graphics数学在计算机图形学中的应用Greg Turk, August 1997“学习计算机图形学需要多少的数学?”这是初学者最经常问的问题.答案取决于你想在计算机…
In a far away galaxy there are n inhabited planets, numbered with numbers from 1 to n. They are located at large distances from each other, that's why the communication between them was very difficult until on the planet number 1 a hyperdrive was inv… 海量数据挖掘Mining Massive Datasets(MMDs) -Jure Leskovec courses学习笔记之局部敏感哈希LSH的距离度量方法 Distance Measures距离度量方法 {There are many other notions of similarity(beyond jaccard similarity) or distance and whi…
In this post, I will summarise several topologies established on the product spaces of \(\mathbb{R}\), i.e. \(\mathbb{R}^n\), \(\mathbb{R}^{\omega}\) and \(\mathbb{R}^J\), as well as their relationships. Topologies on product spaces of \(\mathbb{R}\)…
sklearn实战-乳腺癌细胞数据挖掘(博主亲自录制视频) 1.12.6. Multioutput classification Multioutput classification support can be…
mplot3d是matplotlib里用于绘制3D图形的一个模块.关于mplot3d 绘图模块的介绍请见: 莫比乌斯环(mobius strip)是一种只有一个曲面的拓扑结构.把一个纸条扭转180°后,两头再粘接起来,这样的纸带只有一个面(即单侧曲面),一只小虫可以爬遍整个曲面而不必跨过它的边缘. 莫比乌斯环是一个二维的紧致流形 (即一个有边界的面),可以嵌入到三维或更高维的流形中…
python机器学习-sklearn挖掘乳腺癌细胞( 博主亲自录制) 网易云观看地址 问题由来 在很多机器学习任务中,特征并不总是连续值,而有可能是分类值. 例如,考虑一下的三个特征: ["male&q…
目录 一.引言 1.什么是.为什么需要深度学习 2.简单的机器学习算法对数据表示的依赖 3.深度学习的历史趋势 最早的人工神经网络:旨在模拟生物学习的计算模型 神经网络第二次浪潮:联结主义connectionism 神经网络的突破 二.线性代数 1. 标量.向量.矩阵和张量的一般表示方法 2. 矩阵和向量的特殊运算 3. 线性相关和生成子空间 I. 方程的解问题 II. 思路 III. 结论 IV.求解方式 4. 范数norm I. 定义和要求 II. 常用的\(L^2\)范数和平方\(L^2\…
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ “Mesh”模块包含了有限元网格的不同类型. See the following implementations: * MeshTri,三角剖分网格 * MeshTet, 四面体剖分网格 * MeshQuad, 矩形剖分网格 * MeshHex, 六面体剖分网格 """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.tri as mtri… ORAL SESSION Image Captioning and Question Answering Monday, June 27th, 9:00AM - 10:05AM. These papers will also be presented at the following poster session 1   Deep Compositional Captioning: Descr…
机器学习 数据预处理之独热编码(One-Hot Encoding)(转) 问题由来 在很多机器学习任务中,特征并不总是连续值,而有可能是分类值. 例如,考虑一下的三个特征: ["male", "female"] ["from Europe", "from US", "from Asia"] ["uses Firefox", "uses Chrome", "u…
Super Star Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 6486   Accepted: 1603   Special Judge Description During a voyage of the starship Hakodate-maru (see Problem 1406), researchers found strange synch…
1 Introduction This part of the reference manual covers the higher-dimensional kernel. The kernel contains objects of constant size, such as point, vector, direction, line, ray, segment, circle. With each type comes a set of functions which can be ap…
1 Introduction CGAL, the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library, is written in C++ and consists of three major parts. The first part is the kernel, which consists of constant-size non-modifiable geometric primitive objects and operations on these…
课程的 YouTube 地址为: .视频评论区可以找到课程所使用课件与练习题的下载地址. 课程第2章从李群与李代数的角度介绍三维空间的刚体运动.李群即常见的旋转矩阵.变换矩阵,李代数与李群对应,李代数 \(se(3)\) 是所有三维反对称阵的集合. 将李代数映射到李群,使得旋转与变换可微,并且消除了旋转矩阵的约束条件($ R^TR = I, det(R)…
CVPR2015 Papers震撼来袭! CVPR 2015的文章可以下载了,如果链接无法下载,可以在Google上通过搜索paper名字下载(友情提示:可以使用filetype:pdf命令). Going Deeper With ConvolutionsChristian Szegedy, Wei Liu, Yangqing Jia, Pierre Sermanet, Scott Reed, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Vincent Vanhoucke…
Super Star Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 6422   Accepted: 1591   Special Judge Description During a voyage of the starship Hakodate-maru (see Problem 1406), researchers found strange synchronized movements of stars. Hav…
Question 1 Consider the diagonal matrix M = 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 . Compute its Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, and then identify, in the list below, the true statement about the elements of the pseudoinverse.   Your Answer   Score Explanation There is one…
參考: The sklearn.random_projection module 通过trading accuracy(可控的范围)来降维数据.提高效率.实现了两类unstructured random matrix:: Gaussian random matrix and sparse random matrix. 理论基础:the Johnson-Lindenstraus…