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1. diffenece between MVC and MVP…
有点标题党,不过都说都真实的.英语技能对开发员人员至关重要.所有人都不喜欢背单词,但更惨的是背住的单词发现没怎么用,又慢慢地忘记了.本来计划给自己做个开发人员常用单词表,感觉可能对其它人也有用,所以就发布开源出来. 单词列表托管在Github上,一共将近3000个.​ 单词主要来自:StackOverflow 和HackerNew. Word Source: Source Newest Post Oldest… There is a lot of confusion regarding Android’s storage model. That confusion has only increased with Android 4.4’s changes to that storage model. There are countless Sta…
Potential Pythonic Pitfalls Monday, 11 May 2015 Table of Contents Not Knowing the Python Version Obsessing Over One-Liners Initializing a set the Wrong Way Misunderstanding the GIL Using Old Style Classes Iterating the Wrong Way Using Mutable Default…
Intro: After some feedback on Part 1, and being prompted by some stackoverflow questions, I want to expand on and clarify some topics, so this is Part 1.5. Channel Handler Sharability & State Channel Options Channel Handlers As discussed previously,…
Although SQL Server's Full-Text search is good for searching text that is within a database, there are better ways of implementing search if the text is less-well structured, or comes from a wide variety of sources or formats. Ryszard takes ElasticSe…
原文链接 nlp-datasets Alphabetical list of free/public domain datasets with text data for use in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Most stuff here is just raw unstructured text data, if you are looking for annotated corpora or Treebanks refer to the sou…
Observe that you call obj.draw as : <button onclick="obj.draw() The first time obj.draw is called, the context is different than when it called by requestAnimationFramemultiple times, as a callback function before the repaint. So try by saving thi…   window.gMapsCallback = function(){ $(window).trigger('gMapsLoaded'); } $(document).ready((function(){ function initialize(){ var mapOptions = { zoom: 8, center: n… {  "annotations": {    "list": [      {        "builtIn": 1,        "datasource": "-- Grafana --",        "enable&qu…